Chapter 12

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The sound of my alarm clock brought me out of my deep sleep causing me to groan.

The break and come and gone so quick and now school was starting back up.

I slowly stretched trying to wake myself up before getting up to wash my face and brush my teeth.

I threw on a simple top and some leggings before grabbing my things and going down stairs. I got a granola bar out of the cabinet before leaving my house heading to school.

The break seemed to go by too fast and I was dreading school. For New Year's Eve, I celebrated with Aug of course. It was a simple night, just me and him watching the ball drop on tv. I was thankful we would be starting this new year together.

After a short drive I was already at the school and noticed I was a few minutes early. I sat there thinking for a few minutes while watching other students walk in.

I was honestly more than ready to leave this city. Hopefully with August. The atmosphere would never match with me and the memories here hurt too much.

I saw a car park next to mine making me look over. Once I noticed it was August I smiled and he came to sit in the passenger seat.

"Good mawnin baybeh" he said as he leaned over to kiss me.
"Morning babe." I said smiling at him.

He leaned his seat back before closing his eyes listening to my music.

"I really don't wanna go in thea" he said groaning a little. I chuckled at his dramatic antics.

"What do you wanna do then Aug?" I questioned as he had a small smirk on his face.

"Get in my car" he said before slipping out of my car before I had a chance to interject. I rolled my eyes slightly before grabbing my things and getting in the passenger seat of his car.

"I say we go get some breakfast. Ya know, treat ourselves" he said with a smile.

"I think that sounds great" I said laughing at his enthusiasm.

He nodded his head before starting his car up driving out of the parking lot. He decided on going to Waffle House and we sat down in one of the booths.

There was only one other person in the small restaurant drinking coffee so the privacy was nice.

"Hey guys, what can I get y'all started with?" The waitress came up to them asking.

"I'm gonna get chocolate milk and 1 chocolate chip waffle" I said smiling before finally looking up to see her giving August a flirtatious look. I chuckled a little bit before handing her my menu to get her attention.

She gave me a fake smile before turning back to him.
"What about you?" She said lusciously.

He looked up confused before ordering. "Ima just get the same as my girl" he said before giving her the menu. She smiled and walked away with a switch in her hips.

I rolled my eyes before looking back at him. He had an amused look on his face which was confusing me more.

"What's funny?" I asked with a little attitude.


"I'm not even doing anything" I replied rolling my eyes again.

"Aight now, keep rollin dem eyes and they gone get stuck" he said.

She eventually came back with our food trying to flirt with MY man, once again.

"Aye love, I'a appreciate it if you ain't disrespect my lady like she ain't sittin right hea'." He said after she tried to touch his shoulder.

She gave a smug look to me before apologizing and walking away.

I smiled before looking at him. I knew my jealous ways were dumb, but I was proud that he called her out.

"Aight now, where were we?" He asked turning his attention back to me.

"Have you applied to any schools yet?" I questioned.

"Nah, and I don't know if I will" he replied, shaking his head before taking a bite of his waffle.

"Why?" I asked. I wouldn't judge him if he didn't go, but he never really discussed what he wanted to do in the future.

He shrugged before looking off.

"Don't do that babe. Just tell me what's up. You act as if I'm gonna judge you" I said giving him all my attention.

He sighed before looking back up at me.

"I don't know what I wanna do." He confessed. "I just don't know what I got ta offer any one."

I frowned at his comment. "August, you are more than your past mistakes. Don't let it hold you back. You have so much to offer." I said.

He smiled small before shaking his head.

"Thank you fa dat. I just gotta think about it more. Enough about me doe, what you gone do?"

"Well I really think I'm gonna go to Atlanta. I want to go into social services and help kids. I've always been interested in it" I replied.

"Das good baybeh. I could see you doing that."

I smiled at his comment before we ended up paying our bill and walking out hand in hand. The girl was giving us a fake smile of course but I didn't care.

He drove us back to school and it was now half way through second period. We checked in before going to class and going through the rest of this boring school day.


Little filler chapter, what do y'all think so far? Too fast? Too slow?

What would you like to see in the future? Not saying I'll go that direction but I wanna see my readers thoughts ❤️

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