Chapter 15

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"Okay babe I'll call you when my shift is over" I said as I pulled into the library parking lot.

"Aight baybeh. I luh you" August replied.

"Love you too!" I replied as I hung the phone up.

I was about to be working my last shift at the library which was bitter sweet. I loved this job and it was the first job I got as a junior. Now senior year was coming to an end and it was time to finish this chapter of my life.

I walked into the building before clocking in and noticing the box of books in the corner. I grabbed it before I started sorting through them and organizing them back into the shelves.

After a couple of hours I was finished organizing and making sure everything was in order so I grabbed my book and walked to the front desk.

I only had an hour left and there was still a couple of people here sitting comfortably on the couches.

I began making the closing announcements and cleaning up my area before walking off towards the back. I started flipping a couple of lights off and checking to make sure no one else was here.

I grabbed my keys and book before turning the last light off and locking the front door. I unlocked my car before sitting there for a second, resting my head against the wheel.

Taking a deep breath I finally pulled out and drove towards my house. Knowing that my mother would be there was making me think of ways to avoid going home.

I couldn't understand why she was still coming around when I made it clear the first time that I didn't want her here.

I pulled into the drive way and sat there for a second trying to gather my thoughts. I took a deep breath before getting out of the car and walking in the front door. The sounds of laughter caused me to scrunch my eyebrows together.

I walked into the kitchen causing my parents laughing to cease.

"Hey babygirl, you just got off?" My dad asked.

"Um yes sir." I replied before looking at my mother. "Hello"

"Hello Lena. How are you doing?" She questioned, trying to make small talk.

"I'm okay, how about you?"

"I'm doing pretty good." She replied giving me a small smile. "You figure out your plans for college?"

"Yes. I'm going to University of Georgia"

Her eyes widened at my response. "All the way over there? Wow! That's great Lena."

"Thank you" I replied.

"Listen Lena, I know that I have hurt you and caused you pain in the past, but I want us to move forward. I want you to meet your sister and have a relationship with her. Can we just start over?"

I stood there kind of shocked with her question. I didn't want to hold onto this hurt forever but I couldn't imagine trusting her again.

"How do I know you won't just leave again like last time?"

She looked down for a second before her eyes reached mine. "Because I understand my mistakes. I should've never left you the way I did and I understand that now. I'm not the same woman I was before. I want to have a relationship with you Lena" she finished off with a pleading gaze.

"Okay" I replied to relieve the awkward silence.

"Okay? Great! Maybe I can set something up for you to meet your sister!" She said sounding enthusiastic.

"Um yeah. Let's just start slow" I replied.

"Right" She said as she snapped her fingers. "Well I'm gonna head out. I have to drive home but let's keep in touch Okay?"

"Yeah sure. Bye" I replied before heading upstairs.

I sat there for a second thinking about what just happened. Of course I wanted my mom in my life, but I don't know how this will work. I just can't imagine it.

I decided to call August and tell him what happened.

"Helluh?" He said answering the phone with a dull tone.

"Hey babe. You okay?" I questioned.

"I'm aight. Just tired. How you doing?"

"My mom was here waiting for me."

"Oh really? How dat go?"

"It went alright. She wants to plan something for me to meet her daughter. So we'll see how that goes I guess"

"Well I'm proud dat you givin it a try. And you know I got yo back if it don't work out"

I smiled at his comment before replying. "Thank you Babe. So have you and your mom talked again?"

"Yeah actually. She said she wants to come visit for graduation. She said she's gonna bring my aunt and cousin wit ha' which will be good. Haven't seen them in a while"

"Awe Aug! This is great news. Maybe our families won't be so messed up after all"

"Yeah maybe. Anyways, you tryna help me wit dis homework?" He questioned. I rolled my eyes before agreeing and helping him finish his homework.

Before I knew it, it was almost midnight. I decided I'd shower in the morning and laid down still on FaceTime with August.

"You ever get in fights when you were younger?" I questioned.

"Hell yeah. If you grew up in New Orleans and didn't fight, you a damn lie." He said before chuckling a little.

"Oh whatever. Did you ever have a girlfriend in New Orleans?"

He gave me a look as if I was trying to start something. I honestly wasn't but I was curious about his history.

"To be honest witcha shawty, I never really did tha whole dating thing. I was just worried bout my money. You my first real girlfriend"

"You're my first real boyfriend too" I replied with a smile.

"Awe so I'm special huh?" He said as he raised his eyebrows up and down. I giggled at his action before nodding my head.

"Ight baybeh, let's go to sleep before you try to make me skip school again" he said while yawning.

"Really? You are gonna blame that on me?" I replied with a blank face. He laughed at my expression and shrugged his shoulders.

"Goodnight babe I love you"

"I luh you mo'" he replied before we disconnected the phone.

At least I knew if that if everyone was against me, I still had my Aug. I was ready to graduate and start over in a new place with him. Like us on our own planet and everyone else is irrelevant. That's just what I longed for.

And some day, I'd have it.


I'm planning something 👀👀
What do y'all think?

OblivionOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora