Chapter 52

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As the night passed, Lena continued to toss and turn, unable to fall asleep.

Her mind was clouded with thoughts of her future and family.

Lena walked through the kitchen, watching her pasta to make sure it was cooking thoroughly. She grabbed her phone, checking random social media's while she waited for August.

Right on time, he walked through the back door.

"Hey baybeh" he said, immediately kissing her and embracing her.

"Hey love. How was work?" She asked.

"It was good, I was ready to come see you though"

"Awe, I missed you today. Dinner is almost ready so you can wash off and it'll be done"

"I appreciate dat' baybeh" he said before walking off towards their room.

She smiled at his kind words before turning the stove off and checking how much time was left for the bread.

All of a sudden, three heavy knocks sounded from the front door.

She wasn't expecting company, so she was confused as to who was here. She looked through the peephole seeing two men in suits.

"Hello?" She asked as she opened the door.

"Hi, we're here for Lena Alsina"

"Yes, what's going on?" She asked, utterly confused.

"We came to update you about the case you recently worked on. The baby girl you found in the house alone recently passed away, due to malnutrition. The mother was found overdosed on heroine as well."

As she tried to process the information all she could do was stand completely still. What was going on?

"I-I'm sorry but, how is that possible? She was transferred to an adoption agency correct?"

"Unfortunately she was unable to go to an adoption agency. Instead she was transferred directly to a foster home. This home was overcrowded though, resulting in neglect. It has been about three months since you found the baby correct?"

"I mean, yes it's been three months, but I just don't understand how this happened. I handed this baby over so someone could care for her? She's dead?" She asked, feeling her emotions rising with every second that passed.

Before they could respond, August appeared at the door.

"What's going on?" He asked, looking at his distraught wife and two men.

"We came to inform your wife about a previous case she worked. I'm sorry ma'am, we must go." The one man replied before they both walked away towards their car.

Lena stood still though, her hand covering her trembling mouth.

"Le..." August said, trying to get her attention.

"I did this" she whispered. "That baby is dead because of me"

"Wait, what? Baybeh, what are you talking about?" He asked.

Before she could respond, he smelt something burning. He ran to the kitchen seeing the toast burnt in the oven before grabbing it out and turning it off.

He tried airing out the kitchen while Lena sat completely still on the couch.

All she could wonder was why she didn't do anything to protect that baby.

She was right there, holding her, and she let her go. That could've been their baby, it should've been.

But she didn't try. She trusted this crooked system to care for her instead of taking action on her own. Now she was gone.

Waking up in cold sweats, Lena gasped for air. Her sudden movement woke August up as he found her in this frazzled state.

"Baybeh, what's wrong?" He asked in a groggy voice.

"August, we need to get her. We can't let them take her" she cried into his chest.

"Who?" He asked, confused and concerned as to why his wife woke up crying.

"The baby Aug. The baby I found at work the other week"

"What about her?"

"I knew it when I saw her. We had this connection, she's supposed to be ours. Just, please baby. Come with me to meet her?" She asked, finally calming down.

"Shh, it's okay. I'a go meet her, okay?"

"Okay" she breathed out. He gently rubbed her back, trying to calm her down from the nightmare she just went through.

"You okay?" He asked, feeling her breathing steady out.

"Yes, thank you. I just had a terrible nightmare about it, almost a sign from God"

"If dat's how you feel, then we can't ignore it. We'll do something, okay?"

"Thank you babe" she replied, snuggling closer to him.

For the few hours they both had left, they laid in each others embrace. Both of them had work early in the morning, so they tried to sleep as much as they could before it.

Hearing an alarm go off, August leaned over to press snooze, hoping to get a few more minutes of sleep.

Lenas small episode caused them to both feel exhausted. Instead of feeling frustrated though, August made them both coffee to help.

"How you feelin' dis' morning baybeh?" He asked as they sat comfortably at the kitchen table.

"Better. Sorry about last night"

"Don't worry bout dat'. Just wanna make sure you good. And if you still want me to meet the baybeh, just set it up. I'a be there" he reminded her.

"I love you August" she said, in the most genuine way.

"I love you mo' Le" he responded, kissing her forehead.

They both finished their morning routines before going their separate ways.

"Have a good day, I love you" he said kissing her goodbye.

"I love you too babe, have a good day" she said before getting into her front seat.

Lil short update for y'all ❤️ how was it? 😊

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