Chapter 18

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"Okay students, I just wanna say something before you guys leave. I'm proud of each of you and I truly wish you all the best. Make good choices!" She said as the bell finally rang dismissing us from our class.

I was more than happy for my high school days to be over. We still had a week until graduation, but our classes were finally over.

I walked out of the school hand and hand with Aug as we reached the car.

"I can't believe it's really over." I said as we sat in his car.

"Same. I'm happy though" he replied.

"Me too" I said smiling.

"So whatchu wanna do tonight?" He asked.

"Hmm honestly I don't know. Wanna see a movie?" I suggested. He was off work tonight so we planned on doing something, we just weren't sure what.

"Das fine. We goin to my place first?" He questioned.

"Yeah. I think I need a nap"

"Me too." He replied finishing our conversation as we pulled into the apartment complex.

His family would be coming in Sunday and he was more than excited. He had gotten in touch with Travis, his other brother, so now he was coming as well.

His apartment was going to be full which meant little alone time but I didn't mind. I was happy for him. It felt as if our little families were finally coming together.

Aug got out of his side of the car before coming to open my door for me. He grabbed my hand and led me to the door and unlocked it.

Before I went to his bedroom where he was heading I decided to make some popcorn. It felt as if I hadn't eaten all day so I was craving a snack.

The timer on the microwave went off so I grabbed the bag and poured it into a bowl.

As I entered the room, Aug laid comfortably in sweatpants and a remote in his hand switching channels.

"Want some popcorn?" I asked as I laid next to him.

"Yes please. Thank ya love" he said kissing my cheek.

"You're welcome" I said smiling at him. He grabbed some popcorn attempting to throw it into his mouth and making it every time.

I frowned as I watched him wondering how he did that. I grabbed a piece and tried myself but missed.

"You just don't got tha talent like ya man" he said laughing at me.

"Oh whatever" I replied giving up. We had finished the popcorn pretty quick and I was becoming more tired laying here.

I laid under the covers and Aug pulled me close, holding me with his arms.

"I luh you baybeh. So much" he said as he kissed my forehead. I snuggled into his chest deeper before replying.

"I love you more Aug" I said before falling asleep.

OblivionOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora