Chapter 25

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As we pulled up to the house I sighed slightly. Our mini vacation was over, too fast in my opinion, and we were back in Memphis.

I was excited to see my family again, but the escape made even more anxious to leave.

"Aight baybeh, I'll see you tomorrow" August said as he kissed my forehead, making me frown. Although we had spent these few days together, I could never get enough of him. I wanted to be near him all the time if I could.

"Okay" I replied pouting.

"Come on man, don't look like dat" he said as he kissed my pouty lips. "I'a spend all day wit you tomorrow, okay?"

"Okay babe. I love you"

"I love you too"

"Text me when you get home okay?"

"Aight baybeh" He replied kissing me one last time before I exited the car.

As I unlocked the front door it seemed pretty empty until I heard the television playing in the living room. Walking in I realized it was just my mom reading with the tv playing quietly.

"Oh hey baby. How was your trip?" she asked as I sat across from her.

"It was so fun" I smiled. "I can't wait to move there"

"I bet. But you know we'll miss you here"

"Yeah, I'll miss you guys too"

"Tomorrow can you and August come with me to the house to get the last of our things? I'd ask your dad or Jalen but they are both working."

"Oh yeah that's no problem. Just let me know what time"

"Thanks sweetie. Do you have plans for dinner?"

"No I don't. You wanna do something?"

"Yeah lets go sit down somewhere and talk"

Picking up my keys we locked the front door before walking to my car. Normally Maria would come with us but she was spending the night at a friends house tonight.

After trying to decide where to go we finally chose Osaka, one of my favorites.

Pulling up we got out and we're quickly seated thankfully.

"Hello my name is Anne I'll be taking care of y'all today. What can I get y'all to drink?"

"Water" we said at the same time.

"Okay I'll be right back"

"You know your sister wants to go with you"

"To Atlanta? Really?" I replied honestly shocked. I knew she hated Memphis but I figured it was getting better since she left the abuse.

"Yes. I know she's unhappy here but I just don't know what to do." She paused for a minute, gathering her thoughts.

"I never wanted to put her in that position. At first, her father and I were in love. It was so different to me. I guess I always thought we could get that love back, but we couldn't. I wanted Maria to have a father. He just couldn't do it and I regret ever staying"

"I know mom but you tried your best. And you can't keep dwelling on the past. All you can do is move forward. You got Maria out. And you have us" I said as I grabbed her hand. She smiled lightly at me before closing her eyes to take a deep breath.

"And I am so grateful for that. I don't know what we would've done without you. You helped us. And I hope one day you realize how sorry I am for leaving, but I am so proud of the woman you have become all by yourself."

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