Chapter 27

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Just wanted to give a side note, I didn't make it known that August's family left the same day their trip started but they are not in Memphis anymore. His mom went back to New Orleans and Travis went home as well. Okay, continue....


About an hour into her visit, Lena was consumed by the book in her hand. She always had a love for reading, but she felt as if it was necessary to read during a time like this. She would use anything as a distraction from the destruction around her.

A week had passed since the shooting, but complications had occurred. After August's surgery the doctor thought he was fine. That was until he had a seizure and was forced into a medical coma.

He should be waking up any day, but the wait was hard for Lena. She felt as if she was putting all trust to keep her sanity on him. That scared her, but she couldn't help it.

From dealing with Maria's heart breaking cries to Lena's own hurt, it felt as if nothing was going to change. It was even harder on her because the one person who could ease her pain was sleeping next to her unable to do anything.

So she waited.

Halfway through her visit, she noticed the heart rate machine beeping faster than usual. She looked up slowly at the screen before shifting her eyes to August. 

She sat there for a second staring before blinking her eyes. Finally it registered that he was staring back at her making her jump.

"Oh shit baby, wait babe your looking at me! Can you hear me? Are you okay?"

"Water" He croaked out.

'Water, water, water okay let me get it I'll be right back!"

She walked out of the room grabbing water before power walking back.  She held it up to his lips helping him drink it slowly before he signaled for her to stop.

She pressed the button on his bed to alert the nurse he was away and they quickly came to his room to check his vitals.

He was asked basic questions and looked at but it was all done with Lena watching him with admiration. She loved him so deeply, and the thought of him not being her pained her more than anyone could imagine.

Once they were all finished they left him to be alone and the couple could only stare at each other. 

With tears in her eyes she finally broke the silence. "I thought I lost you" She said with a shaky voice.

"You know I could neva' leave you Le"

She shook her head holding her head in her hands letting tears out that she had been holding in.

"Come hea'" he instructed her. She sat next to him before getting comfortable in his arms avoiding his wound.

"I love you so much Le. I'm sorry" he said kissing her forehead.

"Sorry? For what?"

"Your mom. Is she okay? I tried to stop him but-"

She shook her head stopping him.

"She's gone"

Sighing deeply he looked down at the broken girl in his arms. He wished he could've saved her from this pain but he couldn't. 

Thinking back, he wondered if there was anymore he could've done.

Walking out of the room, August stayed silent on his toes, going down  the long staircase. As he got closer to the bottom, he finally saw the man holding a gun out at Lena's mom. 

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