Chapter 34

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"Okay dad, we'll see you tomorrow" Lena said as she grabbed her purse from the kitchen.

"Okay. You two be safe" he replied with a smile. "I love you sweetie"

"Love you too"

Thankfully August came down the stairs as she finished her conversation. "You ready to go?"


He opened the door for her and walked out towards the car. Tonight the couple would be spending the night at a hotel for some alone time.

Lena assumed this was because of how August was feeling, but her night was going to be full of surprises.

As she sat in the passenger seat, August grabbed her hand lightly squeezing it and holding it in his lap. His nerves were on an all time high which was new to him.

Lena always made him feel infatuated, but tonight he would be doing something he never imagined.

"You okay babe?" Lena asked as she studied his face. He seemed more tense than usual.

"Hm? Oh yeah I'm fine. You good?"

"I'm good."

"Good" he replied nodding trying to seem natural while he was freaking out on the inside.

Tonight he would be proposing to the love of his life.

His nerves didn't come from second guessing his choice but more of wondering what her answer will be. Of course he knew he wanted to spend his life with her and never be separated from her, but he wondered if Lena seriously felt the same way.

He would be finding out though within a few hours.

He first planned to take them to the hotel which was 5 stars and incredibly gorgeous. Then he would take her to dinner at the restaurant in the hotel in a very secluded spot.

When it came time to pop the question, the waiter would bring out a dish with the big question.

"Will you marry me?" Will be written in syrup on the plate while August got on one knee.

He had everything planned, he just prayed it went accordingly. Lena had been dreading the trip to Memphis, but August was secretly planning the whole time.

While she was busy studying and making sure she did well in school, August was saving up for the beautiful engagement ring he would be giving her.

As the couple arrived, Lena was in pure awe. The quickly got their key and went up to the room to drop their bags off.

They'd only be staying one night but of course Lena overpacked things "just incase".

"You like it baybeh?"

"I love it" she smiled giving him a tight hug. "It's beautiful babe"

He smirked looking around the room proud of his decision. She instantly made him feel better and assured about his choices. 

"I'm hungry" she whined.

"Well let's change and we can go down there"

She nodded her head grabbing a dress out of her bag. It was a simple but beautiful black dress that showed off her features. August dressed in a white button up and black slacks looking classy.

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