Chapter 45

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As I pulled up to the small restaurant I took a deep breath. I wasn't sure what to expect after not seeing Maria for almost three months so my nerves were definitely taking over.

I walked in and asked for a table for two seeing as I got there before her. I ordered us both a water while I waited. As I sat there, sipping on my water I contemplated all of the reasons she could've been ignoring me.

Was it a boy? Is she pregnant? Is it drugs?

As I felt someone standing in beside me I finally looked up. I could feel my eyes pop as I looked at my sister.

Even with all of the anger and hurt I felt, I couldn't help but smile widely and bring her into a hug.

As I hugged her I could feel her tears on my shoulder as I continued to hold her. I had no idea what she was going through so I continued holding her until I felt her letting go.

We sat down on opposite sides so I could finally see her. Her eyes looked extremely dark, as if she wasn't getting any sleep.

"Maria.." I started until she held her hand up.

"Let me start. I just want to explain why I left without explanation." She sighed. "I met this guy during my senior year and we just got really close. It started off as best friends until he started to pursue me."

"I didn't want to lose him as a friend so I went along with it for a while. I did love him as my best friend and I somewhat caught feelings for him, but it wasn't enough. He wanted to take things further so.. he took my virginity."

"I tried so hard to be okay with it until I missed my period" She paused, tearing up. "I found out I was pregnant while you and Aug were gone. I just needed to get out of there. I was disappointed in myself and I couldn't take either of you being disappointed in me too." Once she stopped talking, I could feel a tear drop as I grabbed her hand.

"Maria, you're my sister. I just got you. I don't care what you do, I'm always going to love you. I just wish you would've told me, I could've helped you" I sighed.

"I know and I'm sorry. I just thought it'd be easier for you to let me go if I ignored you and acted like that... I was wrong."

"It's okay. It's in the past now" I softly smiled. I could understand her reasoning and I had no room for anger in my heart anymore. I allowed this to drain me for months and I refused to let it anymore.

"So that makes you 2 months pregnant?" I asked.

"Yeah, almost three" She replied as she rubbed her belly. It wasn't big at all but there was something there.

"This is amazing. I'm gonna be an aunt" I slightly squealed, bringing out the first smile I had seen on her face since this lunch started.

She nodded her head before looking down.

"There's something else I need to tell you" She said.

"Okay" I nodded. I looked at her giving her my attention since I could tell this seemed to bother her.

"The father, his name is Nathan. I've been living with him, but I need to get out of there" She said while looking in my eyes. I could sense her fear which confused me.

"Whats going on Maria?" I asked, becoming serious.

"I can't do it anymore. Once he realized I was pregnant he was happy instantly. He realized I wasn't and things changed" She paused. "It started with him just yelling about stupid things and arguing with me. Then he started to get... physical."

As soon as the words left her mouth I could feel my heart break. All I wanted was to help my sister out of any bad situation she was in, but instead of helping her this time I let her go.

The plan she had to make me let her go worked and I was disappointed in myself. I should've questioned it more or tried harder, but I didn't.

Now she felt as if she was stuck in this bad situation with a baby on the way.

"Maria, I'm sorry. I should've been there for you and I wasn't, but I promise I'm here now. I'm gonna get you out of this, okay?"

She nodded slowly.

"I don't wanna go back Le" she said as her eyes welled up with tears.

"Come on, let's go home. I left everything in your room the same" I told her as we paid for the bill and walked out.

Since she met me here I assumed she'd drive herself but she informed me that she'd taken an Uber.

We rode in my car and drove towards the apartment. I didn't bother texting August since I'd just explain it all once I got home.

Either way, he'd be supportive. Maria had grown close to August so he looked at her like a little sister, which I loved.

As we pulled up I walked with her towards the room before pulling my keys out.

"So most of your things are here right? There's no reason to go back" I asked.

"Yeah, I don't need to go back" she said as we walked into the kitchen.

I spotted August eating something with a confused look on his face.

"Uh, hey Maria. How ya been?"

"I've been alright. Glad to be home" she said, giving him a small smile. "I'm gonna go lay down, my back is starting to hurt. Thank you Le, seriously" she said as she hugged me before walking off.

I nodded my head before looking at August and pointing to the bedroom. We sat on the bed while I explained everything to him and he instantly understood.

"So basically I'm gonna have to kill him?" He asked, sighing.

I laughed at his dramatic behavior and mentally thanked him for trying to brighten my mood.

"Nah but foreal, if dat' dude come around hea' we gonna have some problems. Putting his hands on her while he pregnant? He got life messed up" he huffed.

"I know" I pouted. "I just feel so bad for her. She's been alone this whole time, dealing with all of this"

"It's okay baybeh. We got ha' now. You know I won't let nothing happen to either of y'all" he said while kissing my forehead.

Instantly I felt safe in his arms. If it was one thing I loved most about August it was the way he made me feel protected.

I knew he'd never allow anyone to hurt me or my sister. It was just how he was.

We ended up talking about random things for a few hours until I became tired. I decided to take a nap since I barely slept the night before and give my mind some rest.

With everything going on today, I was exhausted. I was more than happy that Maria and I were able to fix things and I could have her back in my life, but I hated that it had to happen this way.

She had nothing but hard things happen to her and I couldn't understand why. She was a sweet girl with a kind soul, but trouble always followed.

She grew up with an abusive father who killed her mother and himself. She got pregnant by a guy who ended up becoming abusive as well.

All I could do was pray for her and hope that something would give. I couldn't change her past but I hoped that somehow I could make a difference in her future.

Small update for y'all since I've taken a short break.

I just wanna say thank you to everyone who has read or shared this book. Everyone who's voted or commented. I never expected it to have the numbers it does.

I started this book as an escape basically and I didn't realize so many people would love it. I love you all for showing ME love. ❤️

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