Chapter 40

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"Yeah mama, it's really nice out hea'" I said into the phone.

"Okay well you two be careful. Don't you leave Lena's side, ya hear me?" She said.

Before I could even reply, Travis grabbed the phone to put his input into it.

"Yeah Aug, I'm not tryna come to Italy because you let Lena go somewhere alone and she got kidnapped and put into sex slavery" he said, making me roll my eyes.

"Give the phone back to mama bruh"

"Hey baby, well you two be safe. Have fun" she said before we finally hung the phone up.

I sighed as I sat on the balcony while I waited for Lena to wake up. We had been here 3 days and had done so much so I understood why she was so exhausted.

I wasn't tired though so I sat outside watching the sunrise and enjoyed the silence.

After months of planning and nonstop stress, I was thankful the two of us were able to get away. We deserved a break away from the real world to relax.

Lena had been working so hard on keeping her grades up while planning this wedding so I knew she needed this getaway as well.

Being married honestly didn't feel any different though. It felt as if Lena was my wife already, but one thing was different.

It was as if our souls were mashed together and now we were one. I honestly don't know if I'd ever be able to live without her and I knew that she felt the same way.

We were equal in this relationship and that's what I loved. We cared for each other in the ways we needed and I knew I'd try to make her happy for as long as I lived.

"What're you doing up babe?" She asked as she came out onto the balcony.

"Just out hea' thinking. I couldn't sleep" I said as she came and sat on my lap.

Since the sun was still rising there was a cool wind flowing that relaxed us even more.

"How come you outta' bed?" I asked her.

"I reached over to cuddle you and you weren't there. So I looked around til I found you out here" she responded as she rested her head against my chest and made herself comfortable.

I nodded my head before kissing her forehead and holding her tighter. After a few short minutes I could hear her breathing evening out letting me know that she had fallen asleep again.

Standing up I carried her to the bedroom before laying with her and deciding to try and get a few more hours of sleep. As soon as I laid next to her she pulled me closer to her and forced my arms around her to hold her.

I laughed before resting my head and letting sleep take over.

"Mmm" I slightly moaned as I slowly woke from my sleep.

Once I realized what was going on I widened my eyes.

"Fuck baybeh, whatchu doin?" I asked as I watched Lena suck my tip.

She looked up at me with seductive eyes before continuing. I groaned one last time before I tried to push her off.

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