Chapter 3

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As I woke up slowly the next morning I stretched my arms up before laying flat on my back. I laid there for a second before I finally turned over and checked my phone. It was 9 in the morning meaning my dad had left already and would be gone all day.

I sat up before finally getting up to complete my morning routine. After that I went downstairs and grabbed a banana and water before going back to my room.

I sat on my bed eating while checking my social media. I was never really big on social media, but I did enjoy the memes on twitter. I laughed lowly while scrolling before growing bored with the app.

I grabbed my laptop under my bed before going to Netflix and starting a new show. I turned on the show "On My Block" which turned out to be surprisingly good. I loved the way they showcased the lives of the kids while being entertaining.

Breaking away from the show I realized it was now noon and decided to text August and see when he wanted to meet.

hey, you up?

August: Yeah. You wanna meet around 1?

yeah sounds good! I replied and sent the location of the cafe. It was close to the U of M campus which wasn't near us, but I didn't trust this area. I'd rather drive out and meet there than have something happen like last night again.

I stood up and decided to get ready. I picked out jeans and a top before grabbing a towel and heading to the shower. I took a quick shower then got out and lotioned my body.

I decided to do light makeup just putting on mascara and a small amount of brow products. I changed and grabbed my purse to make sure everything was in it as well as the textbook we needed. I texted August that I was on my way before heading out the door.

I was slightly nervous to meet up with him since I never did this. Work and school consumed most of my time so I didn't have time to focus on friends or how lonely I really was. It was a little exciting to finally be getting out of the house to meet with someone.

He seemed nice and maybe we could make a friendship out of this. I wouldn't get my hopes up though, I couldn't go through the hurt of him leaving like everyone else in my life. The only people really consistent in my life were my dad and brother.

No one could take the place that Chelsea had in my heart, but I knew she wouldn't want me to be here by myself depressed. I wouldn't say that I have depression, I'm just detached. I don't stay in reality, I'm basically in my own world. At least that's how it felt most of the time.

As I pulled up to the cafe I parked my car and walked out. I had been here multiple times so I picked a comfortable spot and let him know I was here. I sat here for a couple minutes before looking up and seeing him walked in.

I could admit that he was handsome, different from the guys around here. His presence just seemed calming. I gave him a small smile as I waved to get his attention.

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