Chapter 16

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Liams P.O.V

She closes her eyes tight again, her heart beat slowed down then to a full on stop. Is that it? Is she gone? "Lauren wake up! Please Lauren, I need you to wake up. I love you Lauren!" I just cried and cried even more. Shes gone. The doctors came in and told us all to leave the room quickly. Her mother came over to me and said "Liam we all know you're the one for my baby girl, she will come back. With the doctors help and her strength she will make it" Is that true? I cant help but think this is all my fault. Well it is! We all wait outside her room while some more doctors pile in trying to save my princess. Please dont let her go..

(a few hours later)

"Lauren friends and family?" Well all stand up and nod. "Lauren is only just awake, someone must have given her some strength to get through that. She needs to rest for today and should be allowed to go home tomorrow if she is ok tonight. You can see her now but dont hurt her or anything. She needs a lot of rest" "Thankyou so much doctor!" He nods and walks down the hall to another room.

Her body is laying there, her hair is all over the place, shes very pale, and looks slightly thinner, but yet she still is that perfect girl I fell in love with. Im falling way hard for her. She said she loved me, but maybe that was a moment thing? Her family stay as I decide to head back home. This is all my fault.

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