"Let me clean it out, I like the way it feels." Grace takes off her gloves, pushes up her neon sleeve and reaches in, pulling out a big handful of pumpkin shit and dropping in on the newspaper.

Just as I hear the front door open, my phone vibrates on the floor next to me. I look down to see a text.

*Nice work. Will Grace like it tho.*

It's from a number I don't recognize. It's him again. This one makes even less sense.

"Hi Gace! Oh Uncle Harry, that's gross." Khloe sits down next to Grace and looks inside the pumpkin.

"Khloe, are Kiera and Lizzie still getting stuff from the car? Can you be a super helper for me, and go bring me one of the pops Lizzie got? I'm so thirsty getting this little guy ready for his big night!" I smile and Khloe jumps right up running out of the kitchen.

"Be right back Uncle Harry!" She yells, screen door slamming behind her.

I quickly show Grace the text.

"What's this mean?" I ask. Maybe she can figure it out.

"You don't think he's watching us right now do you?" Grace looks towards the sliding glass doors behind me.

"What could he see? The blinds are pulled on these doors and there's no other windows here in the kitchen. You finish cleaning out the pumpkin, I'm going to walk out front and look while I help Lizzie." I stand up, giving Grace a smile. I can see she's worried.

Grace's POV

I don't like this at all. Who would be sending these texts? I thought maybe Jeff or Derek, as a joke, but Harry knows their numbers. How is the person changing phone numbers? It has to be Bitcherson, but this seems weird, even for her.

I finish gutting the pumpkins and throw away the paper with the insides on it. I walk over to the sink and wash my hands.

"Hey there Grace! Turn around and let me get a look at you, Girl!" I hear the familiar warm voice of Harry's grandma Lizzie.

"Hi Lizzie. Do you approve?" I strike a pose for Lizzie.

"Honey you are the spitting image of what Harry's mama used to look like back in the 80's!" She laughs, causing Billie to come back into the kitchen.

"Thank you!"

"Harry you finish these pumpkins and me and Grace are going to sit and chat a bit. Come on honey." Lizzie smiles at Harry as she leads me out of the kitchen. Harry doesn't miss a chance to touch my ass as I walk past him.

"Girls, you go eat your pizza quick and then start getting in your costumes." Lizzie walks through the front door holding it open for me.

"How you guys doing Grace?" She asks, sitting down in a chair on the front porch.

I sit down next to her. "We're really good, Lizzie." I can feel my face warm as I blush.

"I know you are. He sure is happy, Sweet Girl. I have never seen him more at peace. I'm sure you know Harry can be a handful at times. He gets that from me, I suppose. I've always been quick to anger over stuff but I've gotten better over the years." Lizzie folds her hands in her lap. "I just want you to remember something honey. If Harry gets mad some time, and surely he will, it's in his blood. If he does though and you're around, don't you be afraid of him. I can promise you this, sure as I sit here in this chair, he would never harm you, or any other woman. It's a code he goes by. Now that's not to say he can't sling some hurtful words when he wants to. Sometimes that can be the worst way to hurt someone." She looks across the street for a minute, pausing before going on.

"Grace, my boy loves you, and I am pretty sure, even though you're both babies compared to me, that if you'll have him, he'll be yours forever. I know this all probably sounds a little crazy, but I know sometimes Harry isn't the best about saying how he's feeling, and I just wanted to make sure I told you what I see in him now that he's with you." She looks at me smiling. She really is the most beautiful person, inside and out.

"Thank you for telling me that, Lizzie. I never have felt afraid to be around Harry. He's actually been better with his anger since we started going out, and he has been trying to tell me how he feels."

"I'm so glad to hear that, Grace. Do just be patient with him should he go all beastly one day! He's trying his best, to BE his best, for you, Honey."

Just then Lizzie leans forward in her chair, turning her head to look across the street again.

"Did you see that, Grace? Looked like someone was just standing there behind that bush over by Dixie's old house."

I don't see anything, but I feel a cold chill run up the back of my neck. Now that Harry showed me those texts, it has me sure there's some ax wielding psycho hiding out watching us.


"So after this, what movie are we watching?" I ask, as the kids run up to another house.

"I have a few different ones, you can choose. Scream, Friday the 13th, and The Conjuring." Harry looks amazing as a biker, even though it's really not that different from what he normally wears. He has his black jeans, black biker boots, a white T-shirt and leather jacket. Yummy.

"I haven't seen any of those, what do you think?" The kids yell thank you and run back to us. On to the next house.

"Well, since Lizzie freaked you out with the guy in the bushes story, I think we'll skip Friday the 13th. Let's watch Scream." Harry takes my hand.

"OK. I'll need you to hold me if I get scared." I grin up at him.

"Oh I will, it's a very scary movie." His smile is his most beautiful feature. He doesn't even know what it does to me. Yeah he does, Grace!

The kids run up to the next house and I take this time to pull myself into Harry and give him a long kiss. I wrap my arms around his waist and press my lips to his. The minute I do, I can feel my stomach flip. It's been almost a week since we have been able to do anything more than kiss. I know he feels it too. It's overwhelming and amazing at the same time. The kiss is intense and his tongue finds mine without any hesitation on my part. His hands move down my back to my hips and pull me up against him. We break for air just as the kids are running back down the driveway.

"Oh gross, Uncle Harry!" Kiera says, staring at us.

"Not so gross Kiera! I kiss you don't I?" Harry let's me go and grabs a Hershey kiss from her bucket. He hands it to me.

"Not like THAT, Uncle Harry." She makes a face of disgust and runs to catch up with Max and Khloe.

On our way back we stop at my house so Mom can take a picture. We really do look cute. I go in my room to change, leaving my sweater, but throwing on skinny jeans and converse. I brush my teeth and put some fresh lip gloss on. Good to go!

I go back out to the living room. Max has his bucket of candy dumped out on the floor. I steel some gum from Max and give him a squeeze before leaving with Harry.

"Bye Maxie, don't eat too much of that tonight or you'll be sick."

"Try to be home by midnight OK Gracie?" Mom says, from the kitchen.

"Midnight? Who's going to be there besides you Harry?" Dad says, obviously still in a mood.

"Oh, my nieces and Lizzie, Mr. Morgan."

"Is there a reason you need to be gone that late?"

"Steve, it's fine. I've already spoken to Lizzie about it. They're watching movies, it's Halloween, and tomorrow is Saturday." Mom walks into the living room. I smile at her for the save. I was afraid Dad was going to tell me no.

"OK, have fun, Gracie." Dad is giving Harry an icy look. Shit.

I take Harry's hand as we walk out, shutting the door behind us.

Turning Grace- A Harry Styles FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now