New Daddy Issues ✰ CC ⚠️ [16]

Start from the beginning

From the long distance, the girls could see pictures in picture frames being thrown into the fire. At moments, they'd see sweaters but mostly pictures, notes, little gifts they assumed you've received over the years, then... oh my God. Camila thought.

"Guys, that's all of the gifts her dad has ever given her," Camila said.

"But why would she be destroying everything?" Dinah asked.

It only shocked them more when they saw you reach for something in the bag — you pulled out what looked to be the last picture frame in the trash bag. You set down the bag on the ground and walked to the view of where the girls couldn't see, which was essentially, behind the barrel. You leaned down to grab something and Camila's eyes only widened when you stood back up with not just anything in your hand but a baseball bat.

You walked back into the girls' viewing. You chucked the picture down on the ground, a couple inches from your feet. As before, they saw the angry expression on your face but now, you were vulnerable and brought to tears. The first tear you felt you glide down your cheek, you quickly wiped it away as you admired the photo. Taking a glance at the photo one last time, you aggressively broke every inch of glass in the frame with the baseball bat.

More tears were welling up in your eyes, causing your sight to go blurry and you could no longer see what you were hitting. Not that you cared, you just kept banging the broken picture to release that anger still in you. After regaining your vision without all the tears, you threw the baseball bat out of your sight. Thankfully, not coming close to the girls. But you dropped to your knees, the jean fabric sunk into some of the glass seeping into the grass. It wasn't a good feeling but you avoided it.

Your eyes were on the scratched up photo in front of you — to your surprise, none of it was ripped but just severely scratched. The photo appeared to be you at four years old. You were being propped up on your father's shoulders as his hands were wrapped around your tiny legs. Two big smiles were in the photo as you, your father, and your mother was at the zoo that day. Your mother snapped the photo for the cute occasion. That was probably the cheesiest smile you have ever worn in your life and it was because of your father. Although you remember it faintly, he was making you laugh so hard that day, he almost made you pee your pants. You wouldn't be surprised if you actually did at that age.

Reflecting from the memory, tears were covering up your vision. You didn't fight it, you let each of them fall on to the picture until you felt two pairs of arms lifting you up. You were taken aback but you didn't hesitate to fall into whoever's embrace you were falling in. The two happened to be Camila on your left and Normani on your right. You felt Ally dust off the glass on your knees before the five girls gathered around you, giving you the longest hug and the most comfort you could ask for.

It felt like hours passed when the three parted ways but Normani and Camila still held you in their arms. They all gave you looks of concern and sadness, you didn't know what to say. Especially, since you've been avoiding them for days. You let your eyes roam down to your feet, you were too embarrassed by the fact they most likely saw everything you did. And it was true.

"Y/N, talk to us, please. We don't need to know what happened but how can we make everything better?" Lauren asked.

"That's the thing, there's nothing anybody can do to make it better. Not even my own mother can help this." You said, throwing your gloves off. 

"Where is she?" Lauren asked.

"She's out with a few friends, trying to take her mind off things." You admitted, "I appreciate all you guys but there's nothing any of you can do."

"How do you know that? Maybe we could find a solution to your problem." Normani said.

You shook your head, "You wanna know what happened? Read this." you pulled an envelope out of your back pocket and handed it to anyone who grabbed it first, which was Lauren. In black ink read your name, the envelope was already ripped open to reveal a folded up piece of paper.

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