Chapter 7- Sassy girl is back

Start from the beginning

Like Elli noted, Haru resembled him so much. That was why, they got along so well. One way or another, he really missed Elli right now. He had never thought Elli would do that kind of thing! She just walked out and left him high and dry with their lifetime's memory..

Anyway, he knew that she would return..
If she hadn't loved him that much, she wouldn't have been jealous back then..

' Really? But Mama said you're a playboy ' Leo touched the brake astonishingly, fortunately they reached the kindergarten..

' She did tell you that?? Ashh, your mama is still boyish!! '


' Mr. Jung, Do you have some time?'

As Leo walked haru to his class, the teacher stopped him and leaded to the meeting room where there were many parents sitting there already.

Leo found the back seat and read the piece of information lying there. It was kind of family trip which held every year! Emm..

And the place this time was Jejudo island. Leo skimmed over before filled up that form..

| Student's mother's name: ............................. |

He paused at the line; yet wrote down what he did when registered Haru's class!

| Student's mother's name: .........Ellena Jung........ |

' Dear all beloved parents! The trip is starting next month so you have many weeks to prepare! Please make sure that you both will participate in this activity since there're some games involve with both mom and dad. Thanks you for the anticipation '

The headmaster announced through microphone but Leo didn't catch up since he was busy finishing the form and left to the company..


One evening in the 2nd week of a month..

' Papa! Today let's eat barbecue~~' Haru who was in the cart stood up and pointed at the vegetable category at the left.

' But I don't know how to cook it'

' But I want to have it as our dinner!! I want to eat this!! I want.. I wantx4' Haru started spoiling again with his legs stomping on the shopping cart..

Leo grabbed him up and tried to comfort as many eyes were staring at them now. Till when that he could separate this behavior of haru away ??

' Alrightx3, then you ask auntie eun joo to help papa cook it, okay?'

' Aniyo!! Why I have to ask her?'

Haru pouted with the name of that new neighbor! She was kind of pretty lady who just moved next to them couple weeks ago. But haru disliked that ahjumma so much!!

She acted like she was his mommy, took care him, feed him food, read him stories etc. but those were only in front of Leo!! Her target was his papa since that girl was a single lady!!

She was different from other women who came in papa's life! She was much more tolerant and had higher techniques than the other. If not, papa wouldn't have counted on her till now as well as he would have scared her away like other aunties..

She must have graduated from acting university! But what! This haru would never ever let anyone took Leo papa away!

' Nah, don't be that impolite! She's our friend also we have bothered her to look after you many times! Ehh, or we should make a thankful dinner for her??'

W to the H to the A to the T! WHAT!! Did papa eat something wrong!! He called those drama scripts as a gratitude??

' Then I stop wanting this menu' Haru shook his head and pushed Leo's shoulder to another way..

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