Need To (P. II) ✰ CC [12]

Start from the beginning

"Can we talk about this tonight?" You asked.

"Totally. Where?" Camila replied.

"My place." You said.

"Got it." She sent you a thumbs up. "I have a Prom to attend to but you do too!" She joked.

You nodded. As your hand was still interlocked with Camila's, she led you back inside the venue. If you had known this was going to happen, you would've admitted this night was going to be magical. 

Your legs dangled from the roof of your house. Instead of wearing the poofy Prom dress you were wearing an hour ago, you were just wearing a simple black hoodie with shorts. However, you did regret wearing shorts when the wind would pick up every so often, creating goosebumps on your legs.

Your chin was up high and your eyes were on the dark sky. All stars were completely covered by the new clouds rushing in. You were sure there was something going on later tonight but that wasn't so much on your mind then it was with the cute Cuban sitting next to you. Prom ended almost two hours ago — and you can't lie and say it wasn't fun when you had the time of your life with Camila and Dua. Even though Camila still had her date to worry about, she made sure to leave time for you and Dua.

She had so much fun with not only you two but Shawn as well. As the night progressed, she realized she just couldn't have feelings for him. And she felt guilty when he tried to kiss her goodnight back at her place but a second later, she stopped him. She couldn't play games with him nor could she lie, so she told him the truth. Except she didn't specifically say who she had feelings for but she did say she had feelings for someone else. And although Shawn was secretly heartbroken at the words, he understood.

After he left, Camila changed out of her Prom dress and into something comfortable. She climbed to the window of your bedroom in a navy blue sweater, light blue jeans, and no makeup on whatsoever. But with or no makeup, she still appeared stunning to you. You had to sneak her into your bedroom because your parents were strict on having girls over after midnight, they were aware of your sexuality. Despite them knowing Camila well, they didn't want to question her sexuality because they found that rude. You two had made a plan to sit on the roof, where your parents couldn't spot you. Now you both were here — 12:24 AM, sitting in the dark with a couple streetlamps nearby.

"Have you ever been in love?" Camila asked, breaking the silence of exactly seven minutes.

Not taking your gaze off the stars, you reply, "Love is a strong word and I don't know what to think of it."

"What do you mean?" Camila was eager to hear more.

"I think love is something you know when it slaps you in the face but then again, I've only heard it in the movies you and I watch." You let out a tiny snicker, "What do you think about love?"

After the few moments of silence, you took your eyes off the clouds and onto Camila. She was deep in thought before her eyes met yours. You noticed the closest streetlamp to she and you captured her eyes in such a way, all you wanted to do was stare into them but you had to keep your attention on her words.

"I think when you're in love, you'll know," Camila said. Her words were so simple and delicate yet held so much power.

"How?" You questioned.

"I assume for everyone, it's different. It could be your heart racing every time you encounter that someone or it could be something much more complex than that. You might feel so much comfort with them, you'll want to give them your heart or mind. Sometimes, you'll find yourself doing exactly that and won't notice it until you catch yourself." Camila chewed on her bottom lip, taking her eyes off you.

"Well said, Cabello." You cracked a smile. "Have you ever been in love?"

Camila gulped, thrown off by your blunt question but it was only fair to answer since she asked you that earlier. "Perhaps." She replied.

"Perhaps?" You raised an eyebrow, "How'd you know you were in love with them?"

"I knew because she's always treated me in a way that it's hard not to fall for her. She's never made me feel more loved, more confident, more at ease than I did before I met her. Despite everything that we been through together, she always made sure I was okay before she was. And even when I want to slap her because she needs to worry about herself sometimes, I still appreciate her endlessly." Camila turned her head at you, seeing if you were oblivious to know she was talking about you or if you had a feeling it was you.

"That's funny, I think I've had similar feelings." You chuckled, not really telling that whether you knew or not she was indirecting you.

Camila's tongue darted out of her mouth, wiping her bottom lip. She scooted her body closer to yours, never breaking eye contact with you. A smile stretched her lips, causing her to let out a snicker.

"Well, then, would you say you're in love?" Camila asked, laying her hand on top of yours. You glanced at your hand under hers before meeting her eyes again.

"Perhaps." You mimicked. Your faces were dangerously close to each other, which didn't alarm you nor her. The wind had dialed down over the last few minutes, making everything around the two of you nice and quiet. Your eyes shamelessly lingered down to her lips. You didn't know what to say or do but if it was one thing you knew, you knew you wanted to kiss your best friend. And for once, it didn't bring you to shame or fear. You felt comfortable since you knew she had feelings for you as well.

"Is this what you want?" Camila uttered out.

"This is all I've ever wanted, Cam." You said.

You shut your eyes when you felt Camila press her lips against yours. This feeling was better than you've imagined. It's a feeling with more than just lust — the desire was to express your love for her. Whether it was the first time you were going to kiss or the last, you wanted her to feel every inch of love she's made you feel in the past. Starting with the compliments, the support she's given you, the advice she's said to you. And every time you just need a hug, she's right there to give one. Not just any hug, her famous hugs that feel almost just as good as the kiss she's giving you right now.

You opened your eyes when she pulled away. Her eyes weren't on you but on your hand now conjoined with hers. "Is this what you want?" You asked.

Camila simply nodded her head, "I've been in love with you for so long, I didn't know how much longer I could've waited to tell you." 

"Well, I'm happy I did because you have no idea how nerve-wracking that was." You released a nervous chuckle.

"Never be scared to tell me anything anymore, okay?" She asked, locking eyes with yours.

"Okay, same with me. Don't be afraid." You smiled.

"Now, what are we going to tell Dua?" Camila giggled.

"Oh, boy. I don't want to see her reaction." You admitted.

Camila raised an eyebrow, "Why?"

"She'll yell 'I told you so' in my face." You said.

"Then, I might just want to see that." Camila smirked, "But she really knew you had feelings for me all along?"

"Yup. Well, I didn't exactly tell her. Before last year's Dollar Valentine's Day, I told her I may or may not have feelings for you. I was very confused and didn't know what to think — but because I had been thinking about it so often, I just came to the realization literally tonight that if I was thinking about it so much, that must be a sign I like you. I just never told her that." You shrugged your shoulders.

"It took you a year and a half to realize your feelings for me? Damn, you weren't kidding when you said 'love was a strong word and you didn't know what to think of it'." Camila teased, earning a gentle punch on the shoulder from you. "I'm just messing with you but I can't wait to see Dua's face. It'll be priceless."

"Definitely, Camila, definitely."

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