Millions of thoughts roamed in your head. One thought would occasionally make your heart race, causing you to have one of the many panic attacks you've had since midnight. You haven't had all that much sleep, which will affect you later because you're playing a show tonight. Camila didn't realize the mask you were using last night.

Last night, you were bubbly, and that was the truth. But you portrayed to her and the other four girls that you had no worries, that you weren't stressed that people might hate your album. After every band mate went to sleep, you escaped to the dressing room of the arena and now, you're here.

"Baby?" Your girlfriend called.

You bit your lip, meeting Camila's eyes. Once she saw the full sight of your face; she saw every tear that stained your cheeks, your eyes were bloodshot because of the lack of sleep, and she noticed you were still in the clothes you slept in. Camila shut the door behind her before making her way to you. She plopped down next to you, laying a hand on your knee lovingly.

What you loved about her is that she doesn't rush you to spill your feelings. She waits until you're ready, in the meantime, she comforts you. Your eyes traveled to anywhere but her. After a thought or two, new tears started streaming down your cheeks. Camila turned her head, seeing if the sight was true and it, indeed, was.

She wrapped her arms your waist, pulling you into her embrace. Your breathing was uneven, your chest was bouncing up and down so you could try to catch your breath. Camila repositioned her body so she was leaning against the wall, still not letting go of you in the process. You rested your head on her lap, feeling comfort immediately when she starts stroking your hair.

"Shh... baby, it's going to be okay." She cooed. "You're going to be alright."

You shut your eyes, focusing on catching your breath. Every time a tear escaped out of your eye, Camila wouldn't hesitate to wipe it away. 

"I don't like seeing you cry." She said, smiling when you met her eyes. "Gosh, you're so pretty."

Your lips formed a small smile, "You're prettier." you chuckled through the sob that was beginning to calm down.

"Nope, not in my book." Camila winked.

You placed your hand in hers, stopping her from stroking your hair. Your eyes were locked on your intertwined fingers, which always grew a smile on your face. 

Camila said, "I like it when you smile, for you are so beautiful yet so unaware of it." 

You snickered, "You're adorable... but those aren't the correct words."

"Well, I don't see you sleeping, now do I?" She replied.

You didn't even realize the tiny tear that slipped from your eye until Camila wiped it away. You sighed, "Yeah, you're probably wondering why I was crying..."

"You don't have to tell me if you don't want to, it's not my business to know anyway. But how can I make your album release day better? After all, you shouldn't be crying when your album just dropped." Camila giggled.

"That's the thing... Since it first dropped on iTunes and is now in stores, it terrifies me the response I'm going to get. People are going to hate it or people are going to love it. I don't know what I'll do with myself if the album totally bombs and no likes it." You said.

"I can guarantee you, Y/N, that won't happen. You've shown the album to me, your family, your friends, they all loved it! Look at the last few singles you dropped off the album, everyone's in love with those songs and will be in love with the album. Every track is a masterpiece. And I'm not just saying that as your girlfriend, I've known it since before we've started dating. People are going to be blown away. Don't worry, my love." Camila assured, squeezing your hand lovingly.

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