

Okay, you got this Jason. I kept telling myself. I had just found out that the band is going to Miami over Spring Break. I was planning on asking Piper to be my girlfriend over the break but plans changed. We leave Monday morning so I decided on doing it on Saturday.

I was still shaken up about Piper's brother. I knew Silena was a nice person but I never knew about Eros.

After school, I went to look for Piper but was delayed by Calypso and Eros.

"Eros I'm fine I don't need a ride." She pushed Eros away.

"Come on Caly we could get some coffee." He said

Calypso looked really annoyed so I was going to help her.

"Hey, Calypso we need to work on the project for this Friday."

"Um, yeah. Sorry, Eros maybe next time."

He gave her a smile. "Of course. Goodbye, love."

"Thanks, Jace I need that."

"Yeah, no problem. Have you seen Piper around?"

"Um, yeah she should be upstairs with the fashion club. They have a meeting today. "

"Great thanks. Gotta go. Bye." I turned and she grabbed my arm.



"How's Leo?"

"Do you really want to know?"

She nodded.

"Pretty bad. He's mad at Annabeth. He doesn't talk to her and if he does, all they do is fight."

"Really? Annabeth didn't tell me anything."

"Guess she didn't want to worry you or something." I shrugged. "I really have to go."

"Ok bye."

I got to the school door when a heard a honk. I turned around.

"Jace get in we have music to make," Percy yelled from the driver's seat.

Shoot! I had forgotten. Well, there goes my chance to ask Piper. I ran to the car and got in the back, Frank.

"Hey Sparky. You decided to show up." Leo said.

"I forgot okay. I had the stuff to do."

"Did it have to do with Piper?" Percy wiggled his eyebrows.

"Shut up and drive."


"Okay come with another song," Frank said

"Look we're all trying so hard. I think we need a break. Look once we get to Miami we just relax okay?" Percy said

"We can make plans later but right now let's just take it from the top," I said from the booth.



I looked at the ceiling in my room. I was thinking about Piper. I still hadn't asked her. I like her but we haven't actually talked about the whole dating thing yet. I don't want to scare you or anything.

I could write a song to express my feelings. I'm a musician, it's what I do best.

First thing tomorrow ask Piper about a date. I ended up writing 'All About Us.' I really hope she says yes. She's just so perfect and there's so much more. Not to offend anyone, but if I do date Piper I won't have to be hiding her from anyone.

I looked to the side. I have been completely focused on other things that i hadn't even noticed that Reyna's picture was still in my room. She had left me to marry some rich guy named Octavian with an office. I knew from the beginning that her dad didn't like me but whatever.

I'm glad I have Piper.


Frank POV

Finally Friday. Been waiting for this since Sunday. I had forgotten how much work high school is. It is so dramatic I even wrote a song about it!

The party is today and I'm hoping on asking Hazel to go with me. Sure we're all going as friends, but I want Hazel to see me as more. She just makes my heart flutter and my stomach gets butterflies. I wish I could have what Annabeth and Percy have.

I got dressed and headed down for breakfast. Man, I felt this was going to be a good day. Boy, was I wrong?

I got asked out for the party by four different girls which I of course turned down.


I was ready to ask Hazel. It should be fairly easy, I think. I waited until 4th period was over.

"Um, Hazel." I rubbed my neck.

"What's up, Frank." She smiled.

I wasn't going to make it.

"I w- was w- wondering if y- you wanted to come with m-me as a date to the party tonight?" I felt my face feel flushed.

She stared up at me saying nothing.

"So. . ."

"I would love to Frank." I kissed her on the cheek. "I need to go. Bye."

I touched my cheek. I felt the tingle of her lips on my skin. I will never wash my cheek again.

I was thrilled. My day went normally. Same old boring classes and girls. One thing kept me sane at this point.


I knew this would be the best party I would go to. In every situation, there was always something that went wrong.

Great. *sarcasm*




I couldn't stop thinking about her. I wrote a whole song trying to see if maybe I could cleanse myself of her.

Girl, I think about you all day, all night

It feels like you're my energy

After I saw the way Eros looked at her on Wednesday I wondered if I still had a chance. Every time I tried to force away my focus her face flooded my mind. Her eyes, lips, hair.

I don't need you in my life, I'm fine, I lied

I can't get you off my mind, I've tried, I've tried

You got those eyes, those caramel eyes

Looking for the one I cannot find

Today I would try to talk to her again before flying off to Miami. I really hope she would give me chance. She and I aren't really that different. Calypso needs to know that.

Now time to get ready and prepared. What I didn't know was that I wasn't prepared for what was going to happen.
It came as a shock, really.

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