"I moved in yesterday." He said.

"Yesterday?! I haven't seen other trucks."

"It was in the evening."


"So, how's life after college like? Heard you have your own house down the block?"

"Pretty okay. I mean, I still miss some of the stress of college and it's all surreal that I don't have to go to school anymore."

He chuckled.

"But yeah. How have you been? You've been awfully quiet that I haven't even heard of your moving."

I poked his arm accusingly and he winced, rubbing the spot.

"I thought it'll be better if I dropped by later," he smiled, "that's one item to cross off the list."

I smiled.

"Where were you heading?" He asked.

"I was heading to the store down the street."

"I'll accompany you if it isn't trouble."

His question came out more like a statement but I nodded nevertheless and walked side by side.

I've never been bothered by the way Aaron dresses, I mean he didn't use to wear his jacket without any shirt showing off his abs to everyone but entering in the store together made me want to run and hide.

All eyes stuck on us, Aaron in particular, as I shopped for our essentials.

When the receptionist was sliding down the batch of tomatoes, she said "Is he your boyfriend?" Catching me completely off guard.

I stood there my face heating up as I vigorously shook my head and Aaron answered a simple 'No'.

He escorted me back and on the way, we lost ourselves in little idle talks about nothing and everything.

He stopped at a big red house, a few meters away from ours.

"That'll be all for me." He smiled, "I'll see you around Aph."

"Thank you so much for accompanying me Aaron. It was a pleasure to have your company."

"No problem."

Now call me stupid but my eyes darted down at his showcasing chest and down... I gulped.

I met Aaron eyes again and he was smirking in triumph.

"Laters." And he disappeared behind the house's doors.

I blinked hard and smacked my head with my palm. What the heck was I thinking?!

Flushing off the feeling, I went back in and directly went to kitchen without glancing at the two men who sat adjacent to Katelyn on a sofa.

"Heyyy Aphmau~"

I dropped the grocery bags on the table as KC cooked something, I snapped back to Travis and Dante on the sofa.

"What are you doing here?" I asked my voice surprisingly calm.

"They dropped by to say hello." Katelyn answered.

I nodded and left them to go upstairs.

~3rd Person~

When a page in history folds, a new one unfolds.

Katelyn took an interest in Travis as he never seemed to remember her, and that made her hate him more cause of the memories. He doesn't even remember, she thought bitterly.

Laurence and Garroth took their chances as Garroth discussed what he witnessed the previous night and Laurence dawned his visit to the Nether, wondering if Garroth would like to tag along.

Mystreet will be theirs. A new page, a new memory, a new history to be written and a new flower to blossom.

Irene frowned as she told Shad what happened. It was almost midnight in Scaleswind. Amelia, Shad and Irene gathered together to discuss what Aphmau told her.

"You really think it's a shadow night?" Amelia asked, a slight tremor in her voice.

"I highly doubt so." Shad spoke making both ladies whipped their heads to his attention.

"Then what is it?" Irene asked, afraid from the answer.

"It's the rise of a new shadow Lord."

Back in the street, Aaron smiled to himself, his jacket off as he held a necklace with a huge eye in the middle decorated with blood. Swinging the necklace back and forth, his grin turned wicked.

Time has passed but memory never passes or fades.

It's only a matter of time before the clock starts to tick again.

Blood dropped down the necklace and the eye of the necklace blinked. Distant noise if groaning decorated the background as Aaron stared dead straight into the growing red flames of burning logs.

"Oh sweet Aphmau..." He called in a sickening melodic tone, "This is only the begining."


The End

I know, you can thank me later ;3 (Jk I don't wanna die.)

So, Aphmau moved on, time moved on and with the thread of a Shadow Lord on the rise, Irene and Shad fear that Aphmau isn't up to the task yet.

That concludes the story people. I ended it in a begining of a new story cause I felt like even in the series, that's what Aphmau would do. The begining of a new adventure never to be ended.

》》 Next chapter for Final words from me.

A sweet Bully Vs A Teasing Bully (An Aarmau Fanfiction) ✅Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon