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Aphmau's P.O.V

I waited that night. I waited and waited but he didn't show up online.

I went to Dally and Lazzie at his hotel room the next week but he wasn't there.

I've tried asking Lilly about him but she hasn't spoken to him for a month.

Summer vacation rolled in and Aaron is gone.

I should have asked him at least his university but each day dragged in a longing regret.

Of course I tried to readjust my life, be happy again.

When he was around, he made it seem so simple. Even a stupid joke can actually get me to laugh but it feels like a lot of effort now.

Eventually I forgot about him. He became a memory in the past... a friend.

In college we met again but we remained friends. Maybe because I spent too much time in my own head or maybe because we never had the chance to sit down and talk, I never felt what I felt with Aaron in high school.

He became my best friend.

After college, we parted ways and finally I made it to my first officially rented house.

We moved in, Me, Katelyn and KC.

"That's all. I'd like you to sign here ma'am." One of the movers said.

"Oh, thank you." I took the pen and quickly signed the clipboard.

I turned around and faced, with pride, my first official home away from original home.

"Come on in! We have a lot of work to do Aphmau-Senpai." KC called from inside.

I blinked and sprinted to the house. The living room and stairs were all filled with boxes. KC's voice must be coming from the kitchen so I took to the left and found her, her tail wiggling as she searched in one of the boxes.

"I think we should unpack our bedrooms first." I suggested.

She rose to her feet with whipped cream on the tip of her nose.

"Yeah yeah," she waved her hand in dismissal, "Kawaii-Chan was talking about you. Aphmau-Senpai should start unpacking cause even Katelyn-Sama finished unpacking already. Later, Kawaii-Chan needs your help in putting a poster up she likes."

"Okay." I walked out of the kitchen and sharp left to the stairs on the bedrooms.

Katelyn was in her room, her doors wide open, as she put on the floor carpet.

I opened mine and everything was bland white.

I sighed and looked at the wooden planks held together waiting for a mattress in order to be a bed.

"I have a lot of work to do."

Closing my door behind me, I spent the whole day in my room.

I did my bed, put the purple kitten wallpapers I bought, moved my study desk and night stand, put a small purple circular carpet in the middle of the room.

I did a lot that by the end of the day, I simply collapsed on my bed.

The next day however, I was woken up by a loud, and by loud I mean abnormally obnoxious truck sound, yelling out of the window.

For a moment, I tried to ignore it. I brought my blanket over my head and curled into a ball to reduce the sound but it didn't work.

Grumply, I woke up in a foul mood.

A sweet Bully Vs A Teasing Bully (An Aarmau Fanfiction) ✅Where stories live. Discover now