A New Beginning (pt. 8)

Start from the beginning

Kendall thought by the time Cara’s trust fund could no longer support her, Cara would be already on her residency, therefore she didn’t need to worry because she already got salary. She didn’t know it would be this bad.

“I work part time to save my money. So that I would be only using the trust fund for my education. I work for my living expenses. Rent, food, transport, all those stuff.”

“Wait, what?! You work part time? Since when? And as what?” Kendall bombarded her girlfriend. She couldn’t believe she didn’t know about this situation at all.

“I work in my campus library for about two years now. I started another part time job in a coffee shop in Brooklyn almost a year ago. I work in library 3-4 hours, five days a week. While I work in coffee shop in the weekends and one day during weekday, depends on my schedule, because I could only work night shift during weekday,” Cara said in a low voice, as if she was embarrassed.

“Oh my God… why you never told me about this before? Cara! It’s been two years since your dad’s case, you’ve been lying to me all this time?!” Kendall asked incredulously.

Cara continued sitting there, being quiet once again.

Now Kendall finally understood why for the past year Cara couldn’t spend the whole weekends together with her. She could only meet Cara at night every weekends, with the blonde always gave her several reasons; such as having an assignment or having a study group. Anything that related with studying.

Which Kendall didn’t think much, knowing how serious pre-med students were with their study.

“Do you really don’t trust me that much?” Kendall said, instantly feeling hurt.

“It has nothing to do with trust, Ken. But… well, maybe it kinda does,” Cara said, while Kendall glared at her.

“You better explain that really quick, if you wanna save yourself.” Kendall warned in threatening manner.

Cara cleared her throat nervously. “I mean, I don’t trust you to stay with me after you found out about my problems. I mean look at you, you’re so, so gorgeous, and so perfect, you have no problem buying anything you want, and on the way for being successful. While I’m here, struggling with my family reputation, no longer a top athlete, and my… money problem doesn’t make it any easier either,” she said.

“I just feel like, you’re going to leave me after I’m telling you all of this. Especially now that Stella is into you, I’m just… feeling so insecure about us,” Cara muttered as she was back looking on to her lap.

Kendall sighed loudly, she was so upset yet at the same time feeling sad and hurt for what her girlfriend had been through all this time without she knowing. Kendall then stared at Cara who was still sitting quietly, and then the brunette began to rant.

“For the last time I’m telling you, Stella is not into me, okay? And you should’ve told me all of this, long time ago! I could’ve help you with the rent, or food, or whatever you need right now. I hate it that you have to lie to me because you thought I would see you differently. You told me you’ve been studying in library all this time instead of telling me that you’re working there. You even lied to me when you went to Brooklyn couple days ago, and I don’t know how many other lies you told me every time you had to go to work! I hate it that you never told me that you’ve been struggling this much.”


“Who do you think I am? Do you really think that little of me? I might be a bitch to everyone, but you of all people should know that I treat you differently. I act differently with you. It’s because you’re the person that I love the most, Cara! How dense can you be?!

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