Acceptant & Confession (pt. 2)

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Cara was half asleep half awake when she felt someone caressing her hair. She yawned before stretching her body and buried her face deeper on to the pillow. She groaned when she felt someone still touching her hair, she was going to protest but then that someone began massaging her scalp and she moaned feeling relax.

“Feels good....” She mumbled to her pillow, “Whoever you are, keep doing what you doing.”

She heard a familiar chuckle coming from behind her. The blonde immediately turned around and couldn’t help smiling seeing the person who was massaging her head.

“Well hello, what a wonderful surprise,” Cara said.

Kendall smiled sweetly, her hand kept caressing blonde tresses in front of her.

“Hi.” Kendall leaned closer, and kissed Cara’s forehead. “Good morning, sleepyhead.”

“Uhmmm.....” Cara wrapped her arms around Kendall’s waist and pulled her closer pulling the brunette to lie on top of her.

Cara was closing her eyes, and nuzzled her nose into the brunette’s neck.

“Spend a day with me?” Cara could hear Kendall asked her.

The blonde instantly opened her eyes, and she couldn’t stop the wide grin that started to form on her face. “Is this how the Kendall Jenner asking someone for a date?” she teased the brunette.

Kendall chuckled before burying her face into the crook of Cara’s neck. The blonde could feel Kendall nodded, “yeah... so would you?”

“Would I what?” Cara asked her cheekily.

Kendall rolled her eyes even though she was smiling, “You really have to make me say it, don’t you?!”

“I dunno what you’re talking about.” Cara answered playfully.

Kendall groaned, “Ughh… fine. Would you go out and have a date with me today?”

Cara pretended like she was thinking, making Kendall slightly panicked when the blonde didn’t answer for very long seconds.

“Baby?” Kendall moved away from Cara’s addictive neck, then looking at her.

“Umm ... I already have a plan today actually.” Cara said, apologetically.

Kendall’s heart sunk hearing Cara’s answer.


“Yeah sorry, rain check?”

“Uh… well yea I guess.. Umm.. I’m just gonna go then.” Kendall said awkwardly, she almost on tears over the rejection.

Wow karma sure is a bitch, and yet all she did just said no for a date. I dunno if I could handle it if she said no for being my girlfriend. Kendall thought.

Kendall never felt so upset at herself, this was how Cara felt every time she was being rejected when she asked Kendall to be her girlfriend. She pulled away from Cara and got down from the bed, and leaving Cara’s room without words.

Not even a goodbye.

And not once did Cara stop her.


“She rejected me!”

What?! That’s impossible! Really?!” Gigi almost shouted from the phone.

“Yeah she did.” Kendall sniffled, she no longer afraid being a crybaby in front of her tall blonde friend. Gigi had heard worse when Kendall was still on her miserable state during her breakup.

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