Chapter 1: Dilemma

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"Is it true!?" The Village Head asked one of the Inspectors who had just came to deliver them the news, "please sir, tell us everything

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"Is it true!?" The Village Head asked one of the Inspectors who had just came to deliver them the news, "please sir, tell us everything..."

The village was hit with the news yesterday, when they read the newspapers ;

'A former Teen Genius sensation, implicated in a fraud scandal and a suspect in a murder.'

There was only ever one teen genius sensation that had ever been reported in their city for the past ten years.

Their very own, Lee Shu. The highest board members of the City of Wang Education Department themselves came to their village to deliver the news ten years ago.

Lee Shu, a beta, from their village got the highest marks in his Middle School National Test, even higher than other Alphas from the city centre.

He received a recognition from the education board and got an exclusive scholarship. The Lee family then moved to the city. Six years later, Lee Shu got a job at one of the biggest medical company in the city.

Lee Shu and his family had been keeping in touch with the village since then. The Lees  would send in supplies of books to the public library, as well as money to the Village Committee to use to repair their farming tools. Even though the Lees never came to visit, they were still helping the village. Everybody had been looking up to them. Unlike other families who left the villages to the city, the Lees never forgot about them.

So, the village was hit with disbelief and shock when they read the news. The villagers couldn't believe that Lee shu could have really done that; fraud and murder????? Surely not their Lee Shu!?

They were still holding on to that last hope, that the news wasn't referring to their Lee Shu, even though the Village Head's efforts to contact the Lee family had all been in vain. They still hoped that it wasn't Lee Shu.

They still got their hope up; until a group of police officers came the next day to the village, rounding up everybody staying in the village at the community hall.

That's when they began to believe that it was indeed Lee shu who was referred to in the newspaper. But, they still couldn't believe that he could have committed the crimes he's being accused of.

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