Chapter XXVI

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Chapter Twenty-Six | Escaping

They say life brings you unexpected beginnings.

How right could they be, in a matter of eight weeks I find that I've become pregnant after one night with a man that's probably lived before my ancestors. This was the beginning of a new world for me, finding out that Vampires exist has set my mind on a whole new path of believing what is real and what is not; and yet, the more I think about it the more unaffected I am.

I sigh heavily, falling to my side on the plush sofa cushion, my hand lowers to my stomach that grew bigger the last forty-eight hours. Propping my head in my palm, I gaze at Maddie who was staring off into space on the other side of the sofa with my feet in her lap.

"What's on your mind?" I ask, poking her stomach with my big toe.

She blinks rapidly, snapping out of her thoughts and turning her attention towards me.


I roll my eyes up, pulling at my eyelashes to get rid of hanging ones. "I said what's on your mind?" I repeat, rubbing loose eyelashes from my fingers.

"Oh, I was actually seeing if there was a way to get out of here," she purses her lips together.

"There isn't," I sigh, sitting up and swinging my feet to the ground. "No matter what you do, there is not a place they won't find you. .us."

"No. There's always another way," she stood to her feet and began to pace.

I shook my head, "Don't you think I tried, no matter what— boom! he's there."

"You don't try hard enough, you're here sitting comfortable with these monsters," she stops pacing and kneels down in front of me with determination shining in her eyes.

For some reason the look made me clench my hands together.

"I have tried! I have tried for a week to get my àss out of here until I finally gave up!" my voice rose with each sentence. "There was no way for me to leave and with each try, I was putting the lives of my children on the line because at the time I didn't know what these people were capable of."

Tears spring to my eyes and brim to the point I can't see past them. "Believe me, I wanted to go home but there was no way for me too. So, don't tell me I didn't try hard enough because I did."

I bury my face in my hands and sob, reliving the countless of times I tried and failed to return to the place I called home. My mouth begins to water, the familiar crawl of acid scorching it's path up my throat brings my attention to the queasy feeling in my stomach. Quietly hoping to my feet, I push pass Maddie and dart away only making it to the kitchen's sink before I'm wrenching up the little food I had settling in my stomach.

I grip the sink's edge as my body lurches forward, depositing whatever's left in my stomach; the foul smell of vomit burns my nostrils as I fall to my knees, closing my eyes. It was long before warmth flooded my back and slim arms wrapped around me.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean any of it." Maddie whispers, resting her cheek on the top of my head. "I'm frustrated that there's nothing I can do, I'm running out of options here."

I keep silent, breathing heavy from my temporary sickness.

"But I promise I will get us out of here."


I subconsciously register soft hands rest on my shoulders, shaking me back and forth, I dragged from my peaceful sleep as I part my eyes drunkenly with sleep.

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