"too stubborn to let go"

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The boys had a show today and we are all on our way there. this has been their first show I've been to in months. on my way there  couldn't help but think how far Jonah and i have came. there was actually a point in our lives where i thought we would just breakup for good and i'm happy we were both too stubborn to just let go.

"what are you thinking about" i felt someone to my hand, i looked up to see it was jonah

just excited about the show ~ brianna

me too. ~ jonah

the show went well and i got meet a lot of people. they were telling me how much they love bronah and can't wait to see tiny bronahs. i had great and long conversation with a group of girls. most of them are young and going through boyfriend problems. i  did what any adult would do and talk about focusing on school but i also gave them an incite on the relationship jonah and i had before i was pregnant. even the beloved bronah had problems. then they started asking questions about the baby gender and names. they all seemed really excited and i was sad that i couldn't tell them. the show was over and i was exhausted. i fell asleep on the way home.


The rest of the week it was all jonah and i. making our first memories in the house. the guys came and check up on us every now and then but everyone is basically busy with their life. i couldn't help but think how much we aren't little hooligans running around LA. we're all now grown, even our little baby zach.

Jonah and i finished the babys room and got everything organized. He actually did a great job at putting together the crib and all. now we're just relaxing and enjoying life. or maybe he is. while i'm here secretly freaking out about pushing out a fetus. Both jonah and i know the time is almost here but i haven't been feeling well. The doctor says it's normal and everything is going smoothly as expected but it doesn't feel like it. It feels like i could be walking around the house and it just pops out. i'm started to have struggles like getting up out of bed, going up or down the stairs. even going to the bathroom. i feel like i'm the baby here, then i get frustrated and jonah remind how all of this will be worth it.

i was sitting on the bed when jonah came and sat beside me.

you know you can talk to me right ~ jonah

"yes" i said smiling at him.

we'll be gone all week and i want you to come with us ~ jonah

jonah, you know it's hard for me to get around just let me stay here and rest. madison and eva will be staying with me ~ brianna

you sure you'll be alright? ~ jonah

"positive" i said kissing his cheek

the boys are going away for an entire for charity events all around LA.  jonah is being jonah and is worrying me. i have eva and madison i told him i'll be fine. i think he wants to be close to me if anything was to happen but i can't go with them and he can't stay here. why don't we isn't why don't we if the boys aren't together.

Dating one of my brothers friend // jonah maraisWhere stories live. Discover now