"I'm not picking sides"

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I woke up today not having anything to do. I made breakfast, got in the shower and get ready from my day. I texted eva. Something i haven't done in a while, thinking about makes it sad.

Hey you wanna hang with me today?

Wish i could
I made plans for today

It's okay

Read 9:44am

I sighed not knowing who to ask. I can't ask any of the boys, they're at an interview. I grabbee my bag and head out not knowing where I'm going.

I just drove an drove until i ended up at the mall. I made my way inside and started my shopping.

I was at the mall for a while and i couldn't believe it. I was about to go in starbucks but i saw madison and eva laughing about whatever they're talking about. Eva said she had plans.

If she was talking about hanging out with madison, that's just messed up. I could have been there with them, like the old days. They clearly didn't want me there.

I was then out of the mood to even shop anymore. They are my bestfriends. I left the mall and headed over to the boys.

I reachee the boys and as usual something funny is happening with corbyn and jack. I think these two seriously needs help. I went in the kitchen and sat there until jonah walked in.

"Hey why didn't you tell me you were here" he said walking over to me and hugging me. I jusg shrugged my shoulders.

Is everything okay? ~ jonah

Yeah, i just feel like Eva's avoiding me ~ brianna

Why would she avoid you ~ jonah

I don't know, but she totally ditched me and i saw her and madison at the mall. Things just aren't the same anymore ~ brianna

Things aren't always gonna be the same ~ Jonah

Got it..... just thought our friendship would ~ brianna

He didn't say anything, he just sat beside me. The room was silent for a while.

Can't believe it's almost three months ~ jonah

Three months of what ~ brianna

He smiled stretching over and touching my belly. It's like i totally forgot i was even pregnant. I mean. Who forgets that. I then smiled holding his hand. It doesn't even look three months, you can hardly tell.


Hours after madison and eva showed up. Things were a little awkward. They both sat across from me and went on there phones.

Where have you guys been ~ brianna

Out, roaming the streets of Hollywood ~ Madison

Thanks for the invite ~ brianna

Thought you had better things to do ~ Eva

What are you talking about? I legit asked if you wanted to hang ~ brianna

You  know, you have changed so much and you don't even realize it ~ Eva

So because I've "changed" you're avoiding me ~ brianna

Daniel, jack and corbyn then came in the room. Zach was nowhere to be found. Mabe upstairs taking a nap.

I wasn't avoiding you ~ Eva

Then why didn't you ask if i wanted to come to the mall with you guys? Yes, i saw you. Why didn't you ask if i wanted to roam the streets of Hollywood with you guys? ~ brianna

I wasn't avoiding you ~ Eva

I texted so many times and the proof of you not answering. Or just giving one word response, that's avoiding a conversation ~ brianna

"WHAT IF I WAS AVOIDING YOU" she shouted, which got me really pissed. Why are we arguing? Why is she even avoiding me?

"What did i do? Did i do something wrong? Cause i really don't know what i did" i said trying to be has calm has possible

You did you brianna. You changed. You don't realize how distant you've been, since you came from new york and all this pregnant stuff and all your crying about your problems. Like, i can't take it any more. Where the bri i had back in ohio ~ Eva

This is so stupid. You're mad because I've changed. Did you expect me to stay has that 18 year old girl. I'm 20 eva. What does me being pregnant have to do with anything, I'm still me ~ brianna

It's just annoying hearing you talk about all this baby stuff. Like stop a ready ~ Eva

"Are you serious? You were more excited than i was and now what? Are you like this too" i said looking at madison

Nope. This is all her, I'm just here trying to figure out what the fuck is happening cause I'm confuse  ~ Madison

"All i here is just a jealous person talking to me when i really wanted to talk to my best friend" i said glaring at eva before leaving the room.

I found myself going to my favourite spot. By the pool again i sit. I heard someone walk up behind me and i saw it was Daniel.


I stood there in the room that is now full of awkwardness. The boys and madison had blank emotions. I couldn't read their faces.

"You could have handled that way better" jack said looking at me disgusted and walked away.

What the heck.

Madison went on her phone like nothing just happened. Daniel and jonah also left the room.

I sighed before gong up to jacks room to see him sitting on his bed. I walked up to him and sat beside him.

I really don't wanna talk to you right now ~  jack

Are you serious? Why are you mad ~ Eva

You didn't have to act like that. She was simply trying to talk with you and all of this is nonsense avoiding her....... you've known her longer than any of us, so of all people you should know better ~ Jack

So you're on her side ~ Eva

Stop acting childish, I'm not picking sides. I'm simply looking at it from a better view. Everyone has hated things brianna did or said, hated most the things happen but have non of you stop and think about her. Have you stop to think about how much she's been going through ~ jack

All of us are going through stuff ~ Eva

I know that, but lets face it. She's been going through some real shit. Whether she talks about it or not. And i know we've all been here for her but at the same time we all acted selfish. Putting pressure on her. For God sake the girls pregnant,  now is not the time for her to stress. Now is not the time for fights ~ Jack

I don't get where this is going. This is all just unnecessary ~ Eva

The fight you had was stupid and unnecessary ~ Jack

He got up and left. He sounded annoyed angry and just pissed. I sat there thinking long and hard

This little fight was just lame, stupid and unnecessary. I kind of needed it to be that though. I wonder what my little undeveloped brain is gonna come up with next. Sorry i haven't been updating alot, I've been a little busy reading other books and working on my other ffs. Make sure to check em out.

You probably don't care but I'm like five season behind on vampire diaries. I know 😵.  But it's driving me crazy. Caroline and matt just needs to fix their shit aready. Katerin needs to be killed aready... or again. This ff is enough stress this needs to stop.


I'm just.....

Dating one of my brothers friend // jonah maraisحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن