we is back....

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Today's the day we go back home, it's been super fun here hanging out with Jonah's family. I can see that he's sad to leave, who wouldn't. I would.

We are in his room getting out things together, we leave in an hour. Jonah and i got to spend a lot of time together, which was the best thing ever.

I everyone is LA. I was also added back in the group, under one condition. Not talking about corn popping or mashed potatoes, sadly i agreed.

I finished packing my stuff and carry them downstairs.


We was now saying bye to Jonah's mom and boarding the plane. As i sat down, i immediately decided to sleep. I was only on two hours of sleep, i was up all night talking to people on the phone and dealing with business.

I hate having to do adult stuff. I'm being a logan right not, it's disgusting.

I rested my head on Jonah's shoulder while i slowly close my eye's.


I felt someone rubbing circle in my hair and i open my eye's.

"Sorry if i woke you" he said moving his hand.

No don't stop, that shit felt good ~ Brianna

He then started to laugh and continue with the rubbing. Next thing you know everything went dark again.


"Brianna.... bri.... wake up" i heard someone say as they shake me.

I'm up now ~ Brianna

Why are you so hard to wake, like you're in a coma ~ Jonah

Like you're easy to wake up either ~ Brianna

Of course i am, simply wave your hand over my eye's and I'm up ~ Jonah

Right..... I've slapped you before and you didn't even flinch ~ Brianna

"That's why i had that bruise ? I thought it was a mosquito" he said as we walked over to where the boys were waiting for us.

Author here, just a quick stop. What is she doing bruising our baes face. BrIaNnA FiGhT mE!!

I heard someone called my name and i turned around to see both Eva and Madison running towards me. They both jumped  on me. which made all three of us fall to the ground, earning looks from people around.

"You guys can't keep doing that, I'm not  the hulk" i said as we release from the hug snd got off the floor.

Holy tomatoes i have so much to tell you ~ Madison

"Mash potatoes?" i said in a questioning tone

She just gave me a look which i think mean "don't even start".

I hugged the boys one bt one and then we all left. We were now in the car and for some reason it was silent. Very odd, i mean how is daniel not talking.

Soo........ I'm craving mashed potatoes, anyone else wants to get some some ~ Brianna

I heard a sigh came from Daniel's mouth and madison was giving that look.

"Yes, i want mashed potatoes" jack said with a big grin on his face.

Zach and corbyn was too busy on their phones to answer me.

Nobody's getting mashed potatoes ~ Jonah

What abo- ~ Brianna

No popcorn either ~ Jonah

Oh come on. I'm just trying to get a conversation going, why is everyone so quiet ~ Brianna

We can talk about anything but mashed potatoes or popcorn ~ Jonah

Daniel then turned and started looking out the window, he also had a look on his face. I took out my phone and started texting him.

Tell me?

Tell you what?

What's up with you

........ nothing

Tell me now

I'm totally fine


It's you..... and the potatoes

You know I'm just messing with you and it's all fun and jokes. Right??

I know, i know. But it makes things with me and madison awkward

I'm  sorry, is there anything i can do??

Try and not talk about mashed potatoes, maby we'll all soon forget about it.

Sure thing, I'll also talk to Madison and see if that'll change anything

I closed my phone and looked over to Daniel who was now looking at me. I slightly smiled and then the car stoped, we were now in front of the boys house.

Dating one of my brothers friend // jonah maraisWhere stories live. Discover now