diagnosed with??

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Everything was dark but i could hear people talking. I could feel my hands twitching, i tried opening my eye's but it wouldn't open. I felt a sting run through my body then my eye's were wide open. I laid still for a second before looking around the room to see i was in a hospital. I looked in the corner to see Logan and Jake sitting in a chair.

"Logan" i said in a whisper, he then looked up and ran over to me as well as Jake.

Are you okay, are you in pain or anything ~ Logan

No i feel great ~ Brianna

The doctor then walked in the room with a a few papers.

We did a few test's on you while you were out, here's a few things that we diagnosed ~ the doctor

He handed me a paper with my name, it had the different test they did and a list of what's wrong with me.

•panic disorder
•shortness of breath
•lack of calcium
•lactose intolerance

That's why i always feel that way, I'm lactose intolerant. How could i not know that.

You have also have sleep deprivation, meaning you're lack of sleep. You can stay here for the night or you can be released since you're not in pain or anything ~ the doctor

I I'm just gonna go home ~ Brianna

Make sure you get enough sleep, and you need to eat healthy food. Now that you know you're lactose intolerant you can't have some things you use have ~ the doctor

He gave me a few medications before we left to the check out area. The boys were all waiting in the waiting room, they were all happy to see. He all left the hospital, i rested my head on the window as Logan drove. My eye's slowly close as i watch the rain run down on the window.


I open my eye's as i heard loud talking coming from the living room. I got up from my bed and went to the bathroom to wash my face. I walked over to my desk and checked my phone to see  mom was calling.

I walked in the living room to see logan, the boys and madison..... Madison? I went back in my room, closed the door then open it again before going back in the living. She was actually here, for a second i thought i was seeing things.

She ran over to me and tackled me into a hug. I missed her so much, these past days have been lonely without her.

You're back ~ Brianna

Not exactly. I just had to make sure you were okay ~ Madison

When are you leaving ~ Brianna

In two days ~ Madison

Two day.... Wait what day is it today ~ Brianna

It's Thursday ~ Jonah

But i left the hospital on Tuesday ~ Brianna

You were sleeping for two days, i woke you up to eat and take your medications but you just fell asleep right after ~ Logan

I can't remember ever waking up those two days, wait....how did i shower, I'm not in the same close ~ Brianna

Eva or Madison wasn't here this time and I'm your brother, i didn't want to scar my life so i made Jonah do it ~ Logan

couldn't you wake me up, or wait until i wake up ~ Brianna

Why are you shocked, it's not like Jonah haven't seen you naked ~ jack

Dating one of my brothers friend // jonah maraisWhere stories live. Discover now