Madison wtf

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I was at Logan's and thankfully he's now back in LA. It as been rough these past days that I'm back, i keep walking in on him and Alexis. They are so not pg 13.

I was  getting ready for my audition when the door bell rang. I opened the door to see Madison, i then walked back to my room with her following me.

I actually don't have time right now, i have a audition to attend ~ brianna

Just please here me out for a sec ~ Madison

I really don't want to Madison, not even happy birthday. And you claimed we were best friends ~ Brianna

We are best friends and I'm really sorry. I'm just really stressed, I'm no longer working for Amanda. Ever since i started working for her i haven't had much sleep, i haven't got in touch with anyone and I'm pretty sure Daniel's gonna break up with me ~ Madison

We'll talk about us later, but why would daniel break up with you ~ Brianna

Well... i might have.. sorta

Madison alia hails what the fuck did you do? ~ Brianna 

Amanda had party and i might have got drunk and made out with her friend adin. ~ Madison

Madison wtf.
I left for two weeks and you start drinking, not to mention you made out with a boy while dating fucking daniel. I'm gonna be late for my audition, the next time i see you i want to talk to the Madison hails i became friends with three years ago. ~Brianna

I left the house and went to my audition. The boys will be back in two more weeks. Yes i know it's a long time skip, but i need them for ideas.


I was in my room getting ready to take a nap, i was really tired. It's still day but i have nothing else to do.


i got a call from my manager, she said that i got the part. my first movie where i'm one of the main people of the movie. i'm playing a girl name ella,  she's a rebel at school until the knew boy comes and changes her. but is the new boy innocent as he seems......

omg so much huge actors are gonna be in the movie, i'll be working with them for a full year that means we're gonna become super close. i can't wait to meet the cast. omfg dylan Obrien is playing the new boy, i fucking love dylan the hottest thing on earth of course he's behind Jonah. i mean who could be hotter than jonah.

Dating one of my brothers friend // jonah maraisWhere stories live. Discover now