basically stabbed in the back.

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I'm on my way to Madison's house because i need a few things from my room. I parked my car outside and made my way to the door, i knocked on door and it was opened by Daniel. He tried to talk but i pushed passed him and made my way to my room. I was packing stuff in my bag when a knock was placed upon my  door.

What ~ Brianna

Can i come in ~ Daniel

Nope ~ Brianna

My door then opened even though i told I'm no.

I said no ~ Brianna

I heard ~ Daniel

And you feel it's ok to still come ~ Brianna

Can you stop what you're doing and talk with me ~ Daniel

I was told there's nothing to talk about ~ Brianna

There is, what do you want to know ~ Daniel

At this point i don't want to know anything ~ Brianna

Are you gonna stay mad at us ~ Daniel

I'm mad but I'm more confuse has to what i did for you to call me acting  like that ~ Brianna

Madison might have lied and i overreacted ~ Daniel

And i know exactly what you're gonna say..... "I'm sorry" ~ Brianna

I am. And just to clear things Madison and i are in a process ~ Daniel

Are 'process'.... Of getting back together which i don't give two fucks about. Why do y'all think i care whether you date or not ~ Brianna

Maby because you let us think that, from experience in the past ~ Daniel

That's because when something goes wrong, everyone comes to my shoulders to lean on. But for the last time, i Don't Care what y'all do ~ Brianna

But are you still gonna sleep at logans, are still gonna avoid us ~ Daniel

I don't know why she lied. I mean you've dated her for four months, I've known you for a year. She have dated you for four months, I've known her since forever ~ Brianna

What does that have to do with you talking to us again ~ Daniel

We were on good terms, she lied for what ever reason. She haven't even tried apologizing and you want me to act like nothing happened. ~ Brianna

I'm just saying, she's your best friend are you really gonna stay mad at her over something this small ~ Daniel

Is she really? Is she really my best friend? This 'something small' showed me that she'd lied and choose a boy over me ~ Brianna

So you wouldn't choose Jonah over Eva or Madison ~ Daniel

Of course not, first of all i wouldn't let there be a situation were i had to choose between them. But if i had to I'd choose my girls, they're like sisters to me. They were by my side before Jonah was, but clearly they they see things at a different perspective ~ Brianna

I don't know what to say ~ Daniel

Sure you don't,  I'm just gonna leave now ~ Brianna

The boys and i are coming over later ~ Daniel

"Bye daniel" i said before leaving. I walked passed Madison in the living room and made my way to the car. Was i going home though? Of course not, I'm going to the mall. It's been way too long since i got chased by some securities.

Dating one of my brothers friend // jonah maraisजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें