Sherlock is that chu?

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A few days have past and i was at Logan's getting ready for Chris's wedding. I'm super excited and it's not even my wedding. Ever since i told jonah he has been in the happiest mood everytime i see him. I wanted to tell the boys but he said not yet, i don't know what he's waiting on.

I had just finished my makeup and was about to leave when i got a text from daniel.

Daniboi🍉 you guys lied.

Bri🦄 what r u talking about?

Daniboi u guys aren't telling me something
Where that dog eva was suppose to get huh?

Bri🦄 idk, he didn't say when he gon get it

Daniboi🍉 stop lieing.
I'm not stupid, i know somethings up

Bri 🦄 everyone knows the sky's up

Daniboi🍉 seriously.

Bri🦄 i gtg

Daniboi🍉 I'm gonna see you @ the wedding and we gon talk about this

Bri🦄  😂 no we not.

I closed my phone and head off.
Jonah decided to ride with me so i got him and we was now off to the place. The car ride was silent. Back to these days i see.

Why can't we tell them ~ Brianna

I'm not ready ~ Jonah

What do you mean you're not ready? I'm ready ~ Brianna

Why do you wanna tell them so bad ~ Jonah

I'm just overly excited and i feel like they should know ~ Brianna

Can you just wait a little more. Please ~ Jonah

A little more when my belly starts to grow and that's how they find out? ~ Brianna

He just sighed and rested his head on the window.

Oh and daniel has been going Sherlock Holmes on us ~ Brianna

I honestly don't wanna talk about this, i wanna talk about the dreams ~ Jonah

I then sighed knowing we're going down this road again. He knows i don't wanna talk about it. The mention of it gives me flashbacks.

Not now, please ~ Brianna

That's what you keep saying ~ Jonah

Jonah you don't understand how hard this is for me ~ Brianna

Whenever i talk i think about it i can feel everything. Even though i know it's not real it feels real. And the worst part of it is that it's Jonah.

Then let me understand. I wanna know how hard it is so i can help you ~ Jonah

"It's not that easy" i said paying attention to the road. He didn't say anything else and neither did i

This is just hard and i just can't. What if he can't help and this doesn't end. I feel like too much is happening at once.

I finally pulled up and everyone was coming little by little.
I made sure to sit far from daniel. I didn't really talk much.

The ceremonies went by fast and in no time we were all back at the boys. I was outside again, by myself thinking about things when daniel walked up to me.

Daniel don't even start, I'm not in the mood ~ Brianna

I didn't even say nothing ~ Daniel

I know you coming with that Sherlock shit ~ Brianna

"Are you okay" he said sitting beside me

Not really, so much is happening at once and i can't take in so much ~ Brianna

You have us. Talk to us ~ Daniel

I want to but there are reasons why i can't ~ Brianna

I don't know what to tell you but things will get better in time ~ Daniel

I keep telling myself that but i don't think nothings getting better ~ Brianna

"I'm sure it will, just know I'm here" he said getting up and leaving

I'm not sure. I'm not sure things will get better. I'm not sure about nothing.

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