enough space and time

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It's been two months and I'm still here in Ohio. Jonah have came  but had to leave two weeks ago. I only have a little time before it's time and I'm really scared. Everyone is taking things a little better, Jake had to go to LA but he came back yesterday.

I woke up with the craving for a pickle. All i could think about was eating pickles. I've been having weird cravings but this...... I hate pickles but i need one right now.  I rolled out of bed and made my way downstairs to the fridge. There wasn't any pickles. Way to ruin my morning.
I walked into the living room and sat on the couch "i need to talk to you" my mother said walking in the room and sat beside me.

Yeah, is everything okay ~ Brianna

Is everything alright with you? ~ mom

Yeah why ~ Brianna

Why are you still here then ~ mom

Mom..... I just lost nana mills. I- ~ Brianna

We had her funeral, it's been weeks and you're still here locked in your room. It doesn't look like you are okay ~ mom

You want me to leave? ~ Brianna

I want you to go home, You can have your baby any minute now ~ mom

Mom i have a lot of time. Do you just not want me here ~ Brianna

I'd love if you can come back home but you have a life. I miss her, I'll be okay but you can't stay here using her as an excuse. ~ mom

Mom i don't nee- ~ Brianna

You were suppose to move in your house, did you even put together your plans for the baby room or go shopping and stuff. You can't keep having all these distractions ~ mom

She's right but i'm just not ready for LA.

Jonah have given you enough space and time. Stop being selfish ~ mom

I got up and went to my room. I laid on my bed when my phone went off, i looked to see it was jonah.

Guess who's coming back to Ohio

You don't have to

What? Why?

I'm coming back to LA

Really!! When?

Probably in a day or two

Okay well i miss you and i can't wait to see you

I miss you too


Dating one of my brothers friend // jonah maraisWhere stories live. Discover now