daniel finds out

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Tour is finally over and i'm finally going to see jonah again. i can finally not sleep in the same house has logan and alexis, the are both the definition of disgusting. the boys won't be here until an hour so i'm using the time to study my script for my new movie. aslo, my one month break from disney channel set is over. i have so much to think about right now. i don't know how i'm suppose to be on two different sets. i have to go talk to Jake and see what he can do about disney because i don't wanna leave and i need my big shot in the new movie.

i also have to think about how all my time will be taking over by work. i'm afraid later on i might me in a situation of choosing career or boyfriend.

i put down the scripts and asked Jake to come pick me up. 10 minutes later he was at the door. we drove to a hiking spot where we go to talk to each other peacefully.

is everything okay, i know when we come here somethings up ~ Jake

i auditioned for a big movie role and i got the part ~ Brianna

that's great, omg i'm so proud of you ~ Jake

yeah, but i'm gonna be on set for an entire year. i don't wanna leave disney ~ Brianna

oh.... i can talk to the writers and let them write scene's were we don't need you. and let your manager talk to the other people for your new movie, so we have specific dates were you can come back to disney ~ Jake

jake your a genius gonna be doing so much work and jonah's coming back what if all that get in the way of us ~ Brianna

i don't what to tell you about that.... you can talk to jonah about the situation and i'm sure whatever you guy talk and decide on he'll understand. ~ Jake

talking about jonah they'll be landing in a bit and i'm the one that should be getting them so i gotta get home. ~ Brianna

jake dropped me home, i took a quick shower then head off to the airport. i saw the boys, we all reunite and i dropped them off at their house but sadly i couldn't stay. i had to talk to my manager about business.

however, Madison was staying over so she could talk about what happen at the party. it's been weeks and i can't believe she haven't mentioned it to him. i feel bad that i know and haven't said anything either  but i don't want to get in the middle their relationship so i'm waiting for them to deal with it themselves.

i'm currently home talking my manager and by this time madison is at the boys.

Madison POV

I in to see them carrying their bags to the rooms. i saw daniel in the kitchen playing on his phone, i ran up to him and hugged him. he hugged me back but it didn't feel like how he normally hugged.

hey,a what's wrong? ~ Madison

what's wrong,.. what's wrong is that i left for a month and you're all over other boys. ~ daniel

that's what i came to talk about, wait...... Brianna told? ~ Madison

wait, Brianna knew?? ~ daniel

listen i was at a party, i got drunk and that's when that happen ~ madison

you drink now?? ~daniel

daniel then walked away from her and went outside. madison didn't want to run behind him so she went to the living room and laid on the couch. everyone was so exhausted they all fell a sleep in their room. it's been hours and Daniels still outside, so i went out to see if he was ok.

He had fell a sleep on the beach chair by the pool, you walked over to him thinking what you suppose to do. In this situation the boys normally pick up the girls and carry them to the bed, i can't even open a bottle a milk so i know dame well i cant lift Daniel. I shook him several times before his eye's fluttered open, he looked at me them his surrounding and realize he was outside.

He got up from the chair and walked in the house, i thought about going in after him but i hate when he shouts at me. I know he shout when he gets mad and it's my fault that he's mad but it Scare's me. I called Brianna asking her to come over, she said she'll be here in 10.

I woke up to voice's shouting. I can't believe i fell a sleep that fast, I've been stressed so much that i can't sleep at night. I heard the voices again so i walked back inside to see Daniel and Brianna in the living room shouting at each other.

You freaking knew~ Daniel

I did not want to get in the middle of you two!! She's old enough to deal with her relationship problems ~ Brianna

How would you feel if Jonah was slept with a girl, and i knew about but didn't tell you!! ~ Daniel

I'd feel bad but i would understand that you were being a friend to Jonah and waited for Jonah to talk to me about it. And that's not the case because Madison didn't sleep with another boy, she only kissed him and it was because she was drunk. Yes I'm mad at her for drinking but i understand that she didn't make out with the guy knowing she's doing something bad ~ Brianna

You guys stop!!. This is why i shouldn't call you over here, none of this would have happened if i went to art school in England. Brianna I'm sorry for ruining your friendship with Daniel. And Daniel I'm sorry for hurting you, that's all i ever do hurt people. ~ Madison

I walked out the house and got in my car, i drove home thinking what I'm gonna do. I know Brianna is still my best friend this won't end our friendship, we've been through worst shit. But Daniel is really sensitive and emotional and I'm scared he'll break up with me for the smallest mistake.

Dating one of my brothers friend // jonah maraisWhere stories live. Discover now