a second party

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i fell back a bit by everyone screaming, i did not expect that. neither did the boys because i heard a scream from one of them. i walked over to lagan and gave him a hug, everyone one from vine street was there. i only had met some of them but i guess i'm meeting them all tonight. i can't believe i'm having a second party best birthday ever. there was even a huge pinata and a corner full of gifts. even Madison was there i guess she was in on this.

things got a bit awkward since daniel was also there, but she stayed in the opposite of wherever he was. i had such a great night. sadly we got noise complaints and we had to stop the party, everyone said goodbye. logan then decided that we watch a movie. we all decided on watching before i fall. it was such a good movie but i didn't like the ending.

zach,corbyn and jack fell a sleep. alexis came over and she an logan went to his room. so it was just me, madison, jonah  and daniel that was up. jonah gave me which confused but at the same time i knew where this was going.

I can't take this no more, you guys are mad at each other and it's making everything awkward ~Jonah

I already said what i had to, so it's now time for Daniel and Madison to talk. If you guys keep staying away from each other you at least have to break up with each other~ Brianna

I went to talk to him about and apologize but he wouldn't even listen to me. So if were done just tell me instead of making me think about every night when i should be sleeping ~ Madison

I don't wanna break up with you Madison, we've been together for seven months and it's been the best seven months of my life. And as much of how disappointed i am, i don't wanna end us over this petty little fight. ~Daniel

So you accept my apology? ~ Madison

Yes, he said getting up and hugging her. She hugged him back.

Yaay!!!! Maniel is back on i shouted waking up the boys.

Oops i said walking in my room, jonah then walked in closing the door.

Wait, what are you doing?? ~ Brianna

I'm sleeping here ~ Jonah

No your not. I'm not letting Madison sleep out there with all the boys, so go tell her to get her ass in here and you can take her space ~Brianna

I walked out with a sad face, but two seconds later Zach, corbyn, Jack, Daniel, Madison and Jonah walked in my room.

What the heck, i said get Madison~ Brianna

If Madison gets to sleep in her we all do ~Jonah

I sighed flopping my body on the bed. Don't ask me how but all seven of us slept on the same bed.

Dating one of my brothers friend // jonah maraisWhere stories live. Discover now