"i never left you"

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A few more days have past and we're still at the hospital. The doctor says his broken rib isn't fully healed. Eva and i were in his room talking while we wait for him to wake up.

"Brianna" we heard him say as we look over to a sleeping Jonah

He talks in his sleep? ~ Eva

No... this is something new but he said my name ~ Brianna

He never said anything again as we stated and wait for him to wake up.
He enede up sleeping the entire morning but then we had to wake so he could take his medications. "Here" i said handing him the pills.

He then asked me to get him something at the vending machine, "brianna" he said just as i was about to leave. I turned around and looked at him "thank you" he said as i smiled and left the room.

Does this means he remembers now? I don't know why i thought this day would never happen. I keep losing hope in him and in myself.

I got back to his room and the doctor was there talking to him. "Brianna we just have to do a final xray to see how far into healing his rib cage is and within a day or two he can leave"
I nodded as she leaves.

"You remember me?" I asked handing him a bottle of water.

"Yeah, i remember most things now" he said smiling

Why are you crying ~ Jonah

"When i saw you on that bed i was so afraid of losing you. I didn't sleep, i was afraid if i did I'd wake up and you weren't here. I was scared that you'd never become mr.Unicorn" i said as memory of me walking onto logans apartment for the first time and meeting him. All the boys coughing because Jonah and i was hugging for so long like nobody else was in the room.

"You remembered that" he asked smiling

I felt like hugging him so i Walked over and hugged him. Just has our body touched he flinched in pain "sorry" i said pulling away

We both stayed in his room the entire day, talking about all the things we had done together.

Have you ever thought that if i wasn't in your life, you'd be living a better one ~ Jonah

"Why would i think that? Is that what you think?" I asked feeling confused has to why he would ask that

I just wanted to know if you feel like your life would be better if we hadn't met ~ Jonah

No, my life was nothing when i was in ohio. i moved here, you became part of it and you made me find myself. No matter what happens I'd never change nothing that i have now ~ Brianna

"So you won't leave me again? " just as he said that tears formed in my eye's. These questions scare me has to what he thinks about. Do i make him feel like I'll just get up and leave?

"I never left you. I left myself. If you ever see me losing myself, promise me you'll stop me" i said as tears run down my cheeks

I'm not strong as i tell myself i am, i try to be but I'm not. I tend to drift away from my problems thinking they'll eventually leave. I quit on the people around me when i feel like giving up but i always know there's that one person that doesn't let me quit on myself.

I promise ~ Jonah

"Is our relationship toxic? "

Why is he asking these questions? Did i do something wrong? Is he breaking up with me?

I was in class today writing this and i was legit crying. I had to hide me face people thinking I'm reading a breakup message or something. Y'all am scared. I don't know what's gonna happen next.

Dating one of my brothers friend // jonah maraisWhere stories live. Discover now