talk to me

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"Do you think i care about you" he said has he hit me in the face again

"I never did. All you did was ruin my life" the words left his mouth has i feel more pain to my face

"You gave up our baby. It could have been our precious little girl, you selfish bitch" and again his hands burnt against my face, i fell to the ground in pain as i cry and wish for someone to help me

"You ruin my career, you were always toxic to my life. But i can't do it no more, you're not worth the money" i cried in confusion has to what money. What is he talking about? Is he just saying things because he's angry? But he'd never lay a finger on me, why is he doing it now.

"Tell logan he can keep you his money, you ain't worth it" he said has i feel the life being taken from body. My entire body jerked has i hit into to the wall and gasped for breath

*gasps really loud*

I was there with my eye's closed shaking not knowing where i am or what's happening. I was just scared if i open my eye's I'd see him and my skin would start burning again.

I couldn't hear anything, my ears were ringing like bells. I felt someone touch my arm and i jumped and fell off the bed has i felt my body his the floor. With my eye's still closed and my body still shaking i stayed there on the floor.

I heard the lights flickered on and footsteps coming towards me. I quickly curled into a ball and "please don't hurt me" escaped my mouth in a scared tone

Why would i hurt you? " the voice said

Why are you shaking? Are you okay? Brianna? Why are you crying? Brianna? ~ Jonah

"I'm worried, open your eye's"

I then felt my body being picked up and i got even more scared. Visions of him hitting started coming back. It was like i could feel the hits, the burns. All i wanted was to just be in someones arms, someone that would make me feel safe but i was too scared to open my eye's to see someone else.

I then felt someone rubbing my back which eventually calmed me. I was in someone arms shaking like an abandoned dog. I felt safe but still scared to open my eye's. What am i scared of? I don't know, mabe I'm afraid of seeing the same person that hurt is the same that makes me feel safe.

"It's okay" the voice said playing with my hair

I digged up all the courage i had and opened my eye's.  I regretted it but there was something else. Something was telling me I'm safe.  I got up and sat the opposite side of him, just looking straight in his eye's.

Are you alright ~ Jonah

Just has he asked i lifted my hand and placed it on my cheek. It wasn't burning anymore.

"It was just a nightmare" he said coming closer, at first i flinched but i then let him take my hand

Jonah's POV

This past week every night brianna sleeps over she gets these nightmares, as usual it takes her time to realize it was just a bad dream. She keeps thinking someone will hurt her, she have also been doing good at avoiding the topic but I'm done. I feel like these are getting worst.
Why won't she talk to me about these?
I'm really worried about her but this isn't good for her.

Dating one of my brothers friend // jonah maraisNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ