cutting✂........... part 2

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Eva had decided it's only right she just tells them everything. Daniel had went outside for Jonah and everyone was now in the living room waiting for Eva to talk.

Jonah haven't looked at me since he came in. I can't tell if he's mad or if he's worried. I rubbed Eva's shoulder indicating she can start whenever she's ready.

"I also have scars. Scars which I've got from cutting myself" she said showing everyone both her hands

You told me those were there because of surgery and y- ~ Jack

I know what i told you and I'm sorry i had to lie ~ Eva

When i was fourteen my parents went out one night and my brothers didn't want to miss the biggest party and stay home with me, so my mother got a family friend to stay home with me ~ Eva

You have brothers ~ Zach

She has three brothers ~ Jack

Now everyone knows, this is hard for me to talk about so please stop interrupting me ~ Eva

Sorry, go a head ~ Zach

That family friend thought it would be fun to invite her boyfriend. She had left go get food and he took that time to do things..... things I've been trying to forget, he touched me. I was abused. ~ Eva

The words  barely escaping her mouth has tears rolled down her cheeks. I could see her shaking as Jack pulled her into a hug.
Jack and her was still hugging as he was whispering things to her. They had now departed as she wipes away her tears.

You don't have to talk about it ~ Jack

No, i have to ~ Eva

And now i live with the regret of not saying anything. I let the evil son of a bitch live freely without being punished for what he had done. I was so scared i wouldn't make my dad or none of my brothers touch me. I wouldn't touch no one of the male gender I was scared to close my eye's, i could see him in my head over and over. I couldn't take it, i wanted it all to end. One night i woke up from another nightmare and went downstairs for the razers. I went in my bathroom and i slit my hands as i count the number of times i cried and beg him to not do this. I found some pills in a cabinet and i took all that was in the bottle. And that's all i remember of that night. I next time my eye's were open again i was hooked up on life support in a hospital ~ Eva

Oh my God, Eva I'm sorry. I'll never know how much you suffered but I'm sorry you had to go through any pain you went through ~ Jack

Don't be sorry for nothing you did.People who do bad always pay, and karma surely  hit him. God gave him his last two months. He passed in a car crash going home. I spent six months in a hospital because of that man ~ Eva

Why'd you have stay that long ~ corbyn

I had cut myself too much and i lost a whole lot of blood, the pills that i took overdosed me. I almost died, it sucked living from a machine for six months. Brianna and Madison knows all of this, so to see brianna going somewhere I'm coming from that i regret hurts me in a way that i just want to run her over with bus ~ Eva

did i forgot to mention i was also in anger management for six years ~ Eva

"Didn't have to" Daniel said earning glares from everyone

I'm really sorry.... i just ~ Brianna

As much has I'm disappointed, i know how it feels. I know it felt like you just wanted everything to stop but to compare why i did it and why you do it is far different. You had more options, either way i need you to look me in the eye and tell me the cutting will never happen again. ~ Eva

Dating one of my brothers friend // jonah maraisWhere stories live. Discover now