"don't worry about it"

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"Don't worry about it"

I'm not worry I'm just confused ~ brianna

I don't think she's jealous of anything ~ daniel

What could it be then. We haven't been hanging for we to get mad at each other for any reason ~ brianna

That's the reason..... you haven't been hanging out ~ daniel

So she's using excuses to get in a fight because we haven't been hanging out ~brianna

"That doesn't make any sense" i said just feeling blank about everything. I literally offered to hangout and she didn't want to.

I remember before she moved here it was always me and Madison. And then she came and where did madison go ~ brianna

Madison doesn't have to come into this ~ daniel

Yes she does. Since we're on the topic of being distant. Where did me and Madison go. You don't see trying to fight with her. I understand that she's getting older and she have things to do. And that we can't have sleep over like we use to, but you don't see shouting at her ~ brianna

I don't know what to say, ma- ~ daniel

Of course you don't. None of you guys should be saying anything. I'm tired of you guys getting in our petty behaviours ~ brianna

I got up and left. I left the house and went over to logans. No matter what i think didn't help made me realize why she was mad. I legit tried to hang with her. Seriously. I'm leaving in a week i don't need anything more to worry about.

I had reached logan and was in the living room when i got a text from Jonah.

Where'd you go?

I'm at logan

Are you okay?



Just ok?

You said you were okay

Can you come over?

Minutes past and he haven't answered. I sighed and went in my room. I dropped myself on my bed and closed.

A knock was placed on my door when jonah walked. His hair was all wet, he was soaked. I got up and went for a towel.

I was already on my way over and my phone died. Mine if i borrow your charger ~ jonah

I gave him the towel and put his phone on the charger. I'm also guessing it's raining pretty hard out there. I was suppose to go over Kate.

I just nodded and went back in bed. The room was silent. He came and sat beside me.

Why'd you leave ~ jonah

Why should i have stayed there ~ brianna

The reason you came there in the first place ~ jonah

So I'm leaving in a week ~ brianna

He didn't answer, he had that look he always have whenever we depart at an airport.

I'm tryna not talk about problems but I'm also not tryna make things sad. I need some happy moments. He just sighed and layed down. I placed my head on his chest has i closed my eye's.

Dating one of my brothers friend // jonah maraisWhere stories live. Discover now