cutting✂........... part 1

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I felt someone playing with my hair and i slowly open my eye's. I looked up to see a smiling Jonah. "Morning" i said in my raspy morning voice

Morning beautiful ~ Jonah

I smiled at him calling me beautiful, he compliments a lot but he has these moments that i can't help but smile.
I got up to get closer and that's when i saw them. How did i not see them, the entire room was filled with flowers. Not just any flowers, but my favorite. Dahlia 🌹

"You did not" i said getting from the bed and picking up one.
I remember as a kid my mom and i would plant these. I love dahlia, especially the stella dahlia's.

"What am i gonna do with all of these? " i asked looking at Jonah with a huge smile on my face

Give some to zach ~ Jonah

Fun fact zach as a garden in the backyard that I'm so obsessed with. He got all these different flowers. A mean....... which teenage boy gotta garden, get you a boy like zach. He can give you all the flowers you want.

Great idea, but I'll still have a lot ~ Brianna

Can i ask you something ~ Jonah

Yeah?~ Brianna

Why don't you get your own place.. you know, stop living with logan ~ Jonah

I put down the flowers down and went back to the bed. I had think about this a lot.

I'm scared.... i dont feel like I'm ready to be on my own, living in a house all by myself ~ Brianna

Eva and Madison live in a house by themselves ~ Jonah

That's them, I'm not them, I'm me ~ Brianna

Can i ask you something ~ Brianna

Sure ~ Jonah

Didn't we talk about no gifts yesterday ~ Brianna

"Happy national flower day!" He said hugging me
I smiled as i returned the hug.

I'm gonna go back to logans and get showered up ~ Brianna

You can do that here ~ Jonah

I don't have clothes over here ~ Brianna

Go look in the closet ~ Jonah

I got up and went over to the closet to see half the space was filled with my clothes. "Holy smokes I've been looking for this shirt for so long" i said taking out my guns and roses shirt.

All the time you stayed over you left all your clothes here, so i just put them in my closet.

And you kept them, even when we were mad at each other ~ Brianna

Girls would just burn the shit outta them. I know i would.

I grabbed an outfit and went in the bathroom, i even had my own toothbrush. It's like i have two homes. While i was showering i couldn't help but think about the house. What if i do buy a house, and i hate being there alone so i ask Jonah to move in with me. But then he won't live with the boys and the boy's won't be the boys, if they're not together. But at the same time they can't always be together. They'll eventually get older and have to make the decision, yet i don't want to be the reason they mame the decision now.


I was sitting by the pool playing on my phone when daniel walked up and sat beside me.

It's so hot out here, why are you out here all by yourself ~ Daniel

Dating one of my brothers friend // jonah maraisWhere stories live. Discover now