what was that???

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the past few days has been fun. I've become closer to Jonah's family, I've even become closer to Jonah.
I've learned a different side of him, I've a seen a different side of him. It's way different from the Jonah in LA, but it's a good different.

I'm currently in his room texting in the group chat.

             "Let's be animals🐨"

Maddy🐬 it's been days, can we stop talking about mashing my potatoes

Bri🦄 daniel prob- mashed it already

Eva🐿 what is wrong with you 😂

Bri🦄   eva did jack pop the corn?? 🌽

Maddy🐬 did he though?? 😂

Noodles🐼 no i didn't do the popping of the corn 😂

Maddy🐬 lol 😂😂😂

Bri🦄  wait.....

Noodles🐼 oh i forgot to tell you. Y'all  in the wrong groupchat

Eva🐿 why didn't you say something

Noodles🐼 i wanted to hear about the mashing of potatoes and the popping of the corn.
What's next?

Bri🦄  jack bite me

Noodles🐼 rude..
But still now it's the bitting of brianna

Daniboi🐐 can y'all stop with the noti- I'm tryna sleeping

Bri🦄 or you're mashing the potatoes again, where did maddy go ??

Daniboi🐐 you need to be sent to eichen house.

Maddy🐬 😂😂😂

Eva🐿 dead.  😂

Bri🦄 🖕

        You was removed from the    group chat by jonahmabae🐒

I put my phone away and went downstairs to see jonah in the living room watching tv. I went and sat beside him and it was silent.

Why are you so weird ~ Jonah

I thought you'd be over my weirdness by now ~ Brianna

You get weirder everyday ~ Jonah

No one told you to date a weirdo ~ Brianna

Maby i saw something else that i like ~ Jonah

I then smiled and rested my head on his shoulder. I turned my head in the direction of the tv and saw what he was watching.

Talk about weird, a 19 year old watching Mickey mouse ~ Brianna

Don't judge me ~ Jonah

I just shook my head and started watching it with him. Don't judge me either.

This was probably the worst and the weirdest chapter i wrote. Maby not. I'm literally in my school cafeteria writing this.

I need help.

I'm also sorry that i missed a day and I'm not updating a lot anymore. My brain keeps getting worst, I'd be in the most random place and i get ideas of what i could write.

I also know I've been making alot of errors lately, it's because I'm high again, on Doritos. Or I'm in the most random places rushing to write. X


Also this was kinda short. Sorry again ♡♡



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