Scared to love ☆

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What made the three short word phrase so difficult to say?

"I love you."

Small sentence, huge meaning.

Jonah loved you, with all his heart in fact. He told you everyday.

You loved Jonah, with all your heart as well. But every time the three words tumbled past his lips, you got chocked up, unable to repeat the words he had said.

He never thought much of it, thinking you just weren't ready to give your heart to someone. He understood, but it broke him a little more each time.

So, why was it so hard for you to confess your love for the boy? You knew you loved him, you knew the second he asked you to be his girlfriend.

Maybe it was because you were afraid, afraid to give your heart to him.

Or, maybe you were just afraid of having your heart broken.

You needed to tell him, and fast before he gives up on you, thinks you don't love him and moves on.

"I love you as well Jonah." Your heart said, but your mind fought against the words, causing them to not be spoken.

He never egged you on, well his words didn't. You could always see his eyes plead, beg you to tell him you loved him back.

But you couldn't.

You were scared to give him your heart,

Scared to take his in your delicate, shaking hands.

Scared to love him.


Wowie this is short, it was longer when I planned it out earlier rip.

Qotd: If you could have any super power, what would it be?

Okay so my 10 year old little cousin kept calling me a bitch today over Snapchat and like idek why, someone help me.

(Next imagine will be longer I promise ☺)

P.s. can someone please recommend cute girls on Instagram that I can stalk, I'm feeling overly gay today.

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