☆What you both get arrested for☆

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-Breaking and entering ♡


"Jack will you please be in my new YouTube video."

"Y/n, I already told you I don't know how I feel about breaking into an abandoned haunted asylum just for a YouTube video. And what are you gonna do if we get caught?"

You sigh and roll your eyes, "Jack it's abandoned, we're not going to get caught. Please."

Jack sighs as well and looks into your eyes, knowing that he was gonna break and give in, "Fine."


Once arriving to your destination at 3 a.m. in the morning, Jack parks his car about two blocks from the building you would both be exploring.

Getting out of the car, you grab out your camera.

"Hey guys," You whisper, "Welcome back to my YouTube channel. As I explained in the car, me and my boyfriend will be exploring this apparently 'haunted' asylum. I'm whispering because there are actually houses right there and we don't want them to call the police or anything."

You talk a little bit more into your camera, Jack occasionally talking as well as you both make your way to the front gate.

"Y/n/n, why did you drag me into this?" Jack whines.

"What do you mean?"

Jack points to a large sign on the gate that says 'SMILE, YOU ARE BEING RECORDED.'

Jack looks at you with wide eyes before you say, "It'll be okay, I promise."


After you had both finally got into the large building and looked around a little, you began to hear police sirens in the distance.

"Do you hear that?" You whisper to Jack, even though nobody else could hear you.

The sirens grew louder and louder until they seemed to be right outside.

"They're obviously here for someone else, right?" Jack asks, his voice shaking.

"Total-" You begin to speak until a loud speaker cuts you off,


-Driving under the influence; Alcohol ♡


"Please don't drink tonight." You say, looking at your boyfriend of 2 years that was sitting in the drivers seat.

"Y/n. I already told you I won't drink." Daniel sighs.

You narrow your eyes at him, "Fine."


"Daniel Seavey!" You shriek at your drunk boyfriend that was dancing in a large crowd of sweaty bodies.

"Oh hey babygirl." He slurs, his breath reeking of alcohol. He grabs your arm and spins you around.

"I told you not to fucking drink Daniel." You spit, looking into his bright blue orbs.

"Hey, it's okay." He slightly laughs.

You roll your eyes at him, "We're going home. Now."

You both argue back and forth for a little before Daniel finally agrees to leave the party.

You essentially carry him to the car and throw him into the passenger seat.

"Now, I need you to please stay quiet while I drive us home." You sternly say, making sure Daniel understood you. He nods.

imagines // w.d.w.Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang