☆How you tell the fans you're dating☆

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-Jack and you decided to tell the fans over Younow about 3 months into your relationship. You didn't make the announcement huge, Jack just straight up told the fans that you were together. Although some fans gave you hate, about 90% of them supported you both.

-Daniel told his fans over Snapchat on your very first date. You and Daniel had been friends for a very long time and most fans already shipped you together so when he post a Snapchat saying you were going on a date, the fans were ecstatic and happy you were finally together.

-You and Zach decided to tell everyone you were dating at one of their shows after only dating for about 3 weeks. You went to the show closest to you and at the end of it Zach pulled you on stage and explained to everyone that you were together and happy. The fans cheered even louder then before and the news spread all over the Internet in less than an hour.

-You and Corbyn decided to just be simple and post a picture on Instagram with a cute, romantic caption about 2 months into your relationship. In the comments almost everyone commented your ship name and told you how happy they were that you both were finally together.

-You and Jonah hadn't planned on telling the fans until further into your relationship but Logan had recorded you both kissing in his vlog footage. Instead of Logan cutting it out, he left the scene in. Although people were confused at first, they eventually got used to you dating after you and Jonah tweeted about your relationship, confirming the news was true.


Who's ready for Lies pt.2? ❤

OKAY BUT IS NO ONE GOING TO TALK ABOUT HOW CUTE AUGUST IS? Like I wanna make an August imagine book, I'm shook.

Also Brendan is cute as hell, the photographers don't get enough recognition 😩😩

imagines // w.d.w.Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora