Love will never die ☆

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Many years in the future ♡


   You and your husband Corbyn were sitting in the beautiful living room your house held, the movie 'Titanic' playing on the large TV.

Your 16 year old son, y/s/n, had recently gone out with some friends so you and Corbyn were having a lazy evening.

About an hour passed before you were startled by the front door aggressively opening. You turn to see who had walked in, seeing y/s/n quickly running up the stairs.

"Y/s/n?" You call out, earning no response back.

"What was that all about?" Corbyn asks you, looking just as confused.

"I'll go check on him." You smile, giving Corbyn a quick peck on the lips.

You got up from the couch, cautiously walking towards the room that belonged to y/s/n.

Once you made it to his bedroom door you stop, hearing light cries from the other side.

"Y/s/n," You gently say, opening the door. "What's wrong baby?"

"Nothing mom." He says, putting a pillow over his head.

You sigh, walking in and shutting the door behind you. You walk over to where he was laying on his bed and sit beside him.

Lightly running your hand up his arm, you begin to speak, "You know you can talk to me about anything. I'm always here for you."

Y/s/n hiccups, slowly removing the pillow from his face, "You don't care."

You slightly gasp, a bit taken back from his words, "Y/s/n I care so much. Please sweetheart, tell me what's wrong."

"He- he broke up with me mom." Y/s/n cries.

"Oh my god. Baby, it's okay. Come here." You pull y/s/n into your warm embrace and hold him tight.

About 5 months ago y/s/n had came out to you as gay and you happily accepted him. He never told Corbyn because he was afraid his father would disown him, so you promised you would keep his secret until he was ready.

"I- I d- don't know what went wrong," He hiccups again. "I truly thought he l- loved me. Am I that t- terrible of a p- person?"

Hearing your son cry almost brought tears to your eyes, but you refused to let them fall because you knew you had to be strong for his sake.

"Babyboy, listen to me. It is not your fault. You were a great boyfriend. It's on him, not you. Did you ask him why he ended things?"

"He?" You and y/s/n both look up, meeting eyes with Corbyn. You hadn't heard him open the door or come in, you were too caught up in the moment.

"What! Dad no-" Y/s/n starts, quickly wiping his eyes.

"Why didn't you tell me?" Corbyn whispers, his eyes and voice filled with hurt.

You sit there shocked, still not comprehending what was going on. Finally coming to your senses you scoot over on the large bed, making a space for Corbyn to sit by y/s/n.

"Why didn't you tell me?" Corbyn asks y/s/n again.

Y/s/n looks down, playing with his fingers, "I was scared."

"Scared of what?" Corbyns voice begins to shake, telling you that he is on the verge of tears. You lightly wrap your arms around him, not wanting to ruin the father-son moment.

"Scared that you wouldn't love me anymore." Y/s/n whispers, finally looking his father in the eyes.

"Y/s/n you can tell me anything. I am your father and no matter what I will love you with all my heart. You are my son. My love for you will never die."


Just a quick lil authors note ↓↓↓↓↓

As I'm sure none of you know, I am NOT straight. Ya girl is bisexual, (If you dont know what that means, I like both genders). And it is absolutely not something to be ashamed of. Love is love and sadly some people can't respect that. You should be able to be with who you want and not be judged. It disgusts me when parents disown their children because of their sexuality, it truly makes me sick. Fuck it, if you're female and wanna date a female? DO IT. If you're male and wanna date a male? FUCKING DO IT. Be with who you want to be with! And do NOT let anyone tell you you can't, cause screw them and their opinions :) My messages are ALWAYS open and I can be your new mom and accept you as my child.

P.s. before anyone says "Well the bible says blah blah blah" the bible also says not to eat meat or wear ripped clothing, so we're all goin to hell.

Also, this was not a diss on anyone, I was merely stating facts. So please don't comment hate, it will just be ignored.


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