Remember him ☆

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Jack •°•

This is going to be based off my Zach fanfic💖


   There you were. Standing in front of almost 50 people; most crying and some with blank expressions on their faces.

You couldn't cry anymore, your body had run out of tears.

Taking a deep breath you close your eyes and begin speaking, "Jack Avery was my everything. My smile, my happiness; my soulmate."

Looking down towards his coffin more tears stung your eyes and your heart broke even more knowing that the man you love laid inside. Except his heart wasn't beating. He was dead.

"I knew Jack wasn't happy. I tried absolutely everything I could to get him to open up to me, to get him to talk to me. But no matter what I did he wouldn't. It was as if I was talking to a brick wall."

You look in the crowd and meet eyes with the other 4 boys, tears running down their faces. Not only had you lost your boyfriend, they lost their brother.

You sniffle, "Jack is and was everything I have. He always will be."

You could see Jacks family and you quickly looked away. You knew this was incredibly hard for them and their facial expressions absolutely tore you apart.

"Jack gave me a letter, the day he took his own life. He asked me to read it at six o'clock, knowing that was when I got home from work. And I agreed, thinking nothing of it but little did I know that the letter was a goodbye letter."

There it was, more tears. You couldn't help yourself and you couldn't stop. They streamed down your face.

"A- at six when I had gotten home, I read it. All it said was,

'Remember me. And I love you.' Knowing something was wrong I searched the entire house until I had gotten to the bathroom. Looking inside I had found something. Something horrendous. Th- there he was. The doctors tried everything they could, but it was no use. He was gone."

I look down towards his coffin and say these next words, "He only has one request, for all of us. He justs wants us to remember him."


Good morning❤

Qotd: What grade are you in this year/ going into?

Aotd: 9th (((:

Longer imagines will be coming soon, this was just kinda a sneak peak💕

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