Asshole ☆

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   "Hi baby." You say, coming up behind your boyfriend and wrapping your arms around his neck.

"Hey princess. What's up?" He asks, pausing his video game and turning to look at you.

"I'm bored. Can we do something?" You whine.

"What do you wanna do, babygirl?"

"Let's bake something. We'll have to go to the store."

Zach nods and stands up from the couch. You both walk towards the door, putting on your shoes and grabbing Zach's car keys.

"Do you want me to drive?" Zach asks. You nod, tossing him his keys.

You both go out the front door, locking it behind you, and make your way to his car parked in the driveway.

Getting in you put on your seatbelts and Zach turns on the radio, Wild Thoughts begins playing through the speakers.

Zach drove about 10 minutes before pulling into the parking lot of a Walmart.

He parks and quickly gets out of the car, running over to your side to open your door and help you out of the car.

Right as your feet hit the warm pavement, Zach pulls you into his side, snaking his arms around your small waist. Your cheeks instantly warm up at this little bit of affection.

You walk into the store together and go into the baking isle. You walk towards the brownies while Zach looks at the different cake mixes. A little while later you hear someone approach Zach.

"Hey Zach!" The male voice said. You look over and see three guys around Zach, you'd never seen them before so you guessed they were old friends.

"Oh uh, hey guys." Zach says.

You walk over to Zach and wrap your arms around him from behind, only for him to push you off. You stand there, confused as to why he rudely denied you.

"Who's this cutie?" Another one of the boys asked.

"She's no one, just some fan that won't leave me alone." Zach scoffs. He looks at you and you couldn't see the love in his eyes.

Your eyes instantly glossed over and you opened your mouth to speak although no words came out.

"Sounds like she's trying to get your dick." The first boy said and they all laughed.

Those words made your heart break and you ran away from the 4 boys and made your way out of the store.

You realized Zach still had the keys to the car so you started walking back towards the house so you could pack your stuff. You didn't want to be a bother to Zach, since apparently all you wanted was his dick.

As if on que, it started raining, only making your heart swell even more.

You finally made it back to the house after about a 25 minute walk and you were relieved when you didn't see Zach's car in the driveway, only yours.

Now, soaking wet, you unlock the door with the spare key under the door mat and quickly run inside.

You pack some clothes and all of your essentials. You decided you would stay with y/bsf/n for awhile.

Walking out of the house you look up and meet eyes with someone you knew all too well, Zach.

"Baby-" He starts, dropping the grocery bags in his hands.

"No Zach!" You yell, "How could you?! We've been together for almost five months! What? Are you embarrassed of me?!"

"No, it's not like that. I didn't want them to take you from me." Zach says, a loose tear cascading down his face.

"So you call me some crazed fan that only wants your dick?! You are an asshole Zach!" By now you had tears running down your face. You push past Zach, "Call me when you're not embarrassed of me."

You get into your car and quickly pull out of the driveway, leaving Zach standing by the door.

It hurt, but he hurt you first.


I'm going to try to get to everyone's request and still do the part two's to some chapters.

Also, if your request doesn't necessarily fit into this book, I'm not going to put it in. I'm sorry :(

But I am still taking requests for y/n imagines, just pm me or leave a comment and I'll get it up as soon as possible! (Make sure it fits in with the book please!❤)

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