Tour goodbyes ☆

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A/n: uhhhh I'm a little late with this imagine..


   You sat on the bed you shared with your long term boyfriend, Jonah, and watched him pack his bags.

He was going on tour with the rest of his band and he was going to be gone for 2 months.

You watched him put another shirt in his suite case, tears threatening to fall down your face.

Jonah must've noticed because once he looked at you he stopped and walked over to you, taking your hands in his and knealing in front of you.

"Baby." Jonah whispers, looking you in the eyes.

"I'm fine." You lied, nodding your head.

"No you're not. I know this is hard, it's hard for me too. I'm going to miss you so much."

You had let a tear slip and Jonah gently wiped it away with the soft pad of his thumb.

"Promise you won't find someone else and leave me?" You whisper, tightly closing your eyes so more tears won't fall.

He let's out a light chuckle, squeezing your hands tighter, "Babygirl, I will never leave you. You mean the world to me. You're mine."

You open your eyes and look at Jonah, his facial expression was soft and you could tell he was telling the truth.

You simply nod your head and wipe your eyes, wiping away more loose tears that had fallen without your knowledge.

"Let's get to bed, yeah? It's getting late." Jonah says, standing up and picking you up so he can gently sit you on the bed.

Jonah goes back over to his suite case so he can zip it and you look at the little clock on the night stand, 10:23 p.m.

"I don't want to sleep." You say as Jonah climbs into the bed next to you.

"Why sweetheart?" He asks.

"Because when I wake up you're going to leave me."

Jonah sighs and pulls you into his chest. He begins playing with your hair and lightly kissing your head.

You yawn, sleep creeping up on you after awhile and before you knew it, you were sound asleep in your boyfriends arms.


You and the boys were sitting at the airport, waiting for their flight to be called.

Jonah looks at you but you couldn't look back at him. You didn't want to lose your composure and break down. Not here and definitely not now.

Jonah grabs your hand and rubs it lightly with his thumb.

The other 4 boys give you and Jonah sympathetic looks, knowing how hard this must be for the both of you.

"Flight 1672 to Manhattan, New York is boarding now. Have a great flight." A lady says over the intercom.

The boys all stand up and grab their bags and suite cases.

"Y/n, please give me a hug goodbye." Jonah whispers to you, you could hear the hurt in his voice.

You stand up and quickly give Jonah a hug. When you pulled away he looked so hurt, broken.

You finally look him in the eyes, seeing pain and love.

"I love you." You whisper, then quickly grab all of your belongings. You turn on your heel, leaving Jonah and the other 4 boys without letting him say it back.

You walk out of the airport as fast as you could, not turning back once. You knew Jonah was beyond hurt, but you couldn't stay any longer in fear that you would try to make him stay.

You didn't want that, not one bit. You wanted that boy to follow his dreams and do what he loves.

And no way in hell were you going to hold him back from doing exactly that.


This was kinda like a Corbyn imagine I did a long time ago :)))


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