Unit 55 ☆

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"Are you ready for this y/n/n?" Your boyfriend Daniel asks.

You were getting ready to go in your city's largest and scariest haunted house, Unit 55.

"Definitely." You reply, a smile taking over your face. Though you were scared, you knew Daniel would make it a lot of fun.

You walk into the front room, hand in hand, and sign the waiver on the front desk.

The man working at the front desk smiles, gives a warning and directs you towards the first room.

He then goes on to explain that there are a total of five rooms, each higher in scaryness and difficulty. Each room is locked and you have to escape into the next room by finding the way out of the room you were in currently.

You nod, excitement rushing through your veins.

"Are you ready to enter the first room?" The man asks.

Daniel looks at you and you smile, gripping his hand a little tighter, "Ready."

The man opens the door and you step inside. He shuts the door behind you and your boyfriend and you can hear him lock it on the opposite side.

The first room was completely empty, and then before you knew it, everything went dark.

All the lights had turned off and you couldn't see a thing, not even your own hand in front of your face.

"Daniel?" You ask, frightened, but an intercom cuts him off before he could say anything, he was still holding onto your hand though.

"Good afternoon. Welcome to the first room. Find a way out. Search the walls, the ground, and everything else. Good luck." A monotone mans voice says.

"It's okay, babygirl. I'm here. Let's find a way out."

Your heart rate slowed down a bit to the sound of your boyfriends voice.

You let go of his hand and went to the closest wall, to your right.

You started patting down the walls and you could hear Daniel doing the same thing in another area.

"Did you find anything baby?" You ask, scaring yourself because since it was so dark your voice surprised you.

"Not yet, but we have to think. Do you remember which way the building was shaped?" He responds.

"Uh, kinda like a L, I guess." You say.

You hear Daniel walking around to another wall, which was right across from the door you came in through.

"I found something!" Daniel says.

You follow his voice until you feel his arm. He pushes on a little rectangle and a small door opens, which looked to be about 5 feet high and 4 feet across.

You both walk into the next room, you holding onto Daniels arm.

The next room was full of scary looking dolls, clowns, etc.

"Dan-iel." You squeak.

"Welcome to room two. This room contains many of my friends, but only one is holding the key to the door right in front of you. Search everything in the room. Good luck."

"No no no no no. I can't do this." You say, looking around at all the things this room contains.

"Shh, it's okay. You search over there, by the stuffed animals, and I'll search them." He says as he points to the life sized dolls and clowns.

imagines // w.d.w.حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن