I told you so ☆

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   Another boy.

Another dumb boy who broke your heart.

You read the text message over and over again until you couldn't cry anymore.

"I'm breaking up with you, we're done."

Your now ex boyfriend, Mason, had dumped you unexpectedly. You thought everything was going so well.

But, that relationship turned out to be just like the one with Ian, and the one with Ryan, and the one with Alex and so on.

You were curled up in your bed and decided on calling your best friend, Zach. You called him after every break up.

He always told you to stop dating every guy you met, but you never listened. He was always there for you.

You pulled up his contact information and pressed call.

The phone rang a couple times until you heard his raspy voice on the other line, understandable considering the fact it was 2 a.m.

"Y/n? Why are you calling so late?"

You couldn't make out any words, you just started crying again.

You heard Zach sigh, he already knew what was wrong, "I'm on my way."

You laid in your bed and cried until Zach finally got to your house. You heard him unlock the door with the spare key you had given him and walk up to your room.

He got into bed with you and wrapped your shaking, crying body up in his arms.

He sat and rocked you back and forth, you both sitting in silence.

You eventually calmed down, "Just say it."

"Say what?" He asks.

"I told you so."

You hear him laugh and it puts butterflies in your stomach.

"I'm not going to say that, but you do need to stop wasting your time on losers, y/n. There are so many better guys out there that can love and take care of you.." He trailed off, "Like me."

You shuffled around until you were looking him in the eyes and leaned up and kissed him, but the kiss was different.

It was caring, passionate, and overall loving.

"You're right, Zach." You said as you both pulled away.

You both sit in silence some more, listening to the quiet, calming sound of the other person breathing.

"Oh, y/n?"


"I told you so."



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