Promise ring ☆

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"Let me take you somewhere expensive."

You sigh and roll your eyes, "Babyboy, I don't want you to waste money like that on me."

You were talking on the phone with your boyfriend, Daniel, and he was trying to convince you to let him take you somewhere fancy.

"I want to. You've done so much for me and you've always been by my side. Let me repay you by taking you to a fancy dinner."

"Baby-" You start.


You sigh again and cave in. "Fine. When do you want to go love?"

"Thank you. I'll pick you up around 7:30?"

You checked the time on your phone, 4:43 p.m.

"Okay babe. See you soon."

"See you soon, princess."

You end the call and decide to start getting ready now since he was taking you somewhere fancy.

You go upstairs to your room and get your stuff together to take a shower.

You take a quick shower and get out, just letting your hair air dry since you had about two and a half hours.

After letting your hair dry for about 45 minutes, you decide on a pink dress and heels for your outfit.

After letting your hair dry for about 45 minutes, you decide on a pink dress and heels for your outfit

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You do your makeup, filling in your eyebrows, contouring, eye shadow, etc. And leave your hair down natural.

You check the time, 7:12 p.m.

You go downstairs and wait for Daniel to pick you up.

About 15 minutes later there was a knock on your door, and you open it to find Daniel in a fancy tux, looking even cuter than before.

His eyes go wide, "You look absolutely gorgeous."

You blush, "Thank you baby. You don't look to bad yourself."

Daniel giggles and holds his hand out. "Shall we?" He asks.

"We shall." You say, taking his hand and walking towards his car.

Once you arrive to the car and get in, you ask where he's taking you.

He doesn't respond, only smirks, and continues driving towards your destination.

You just laugh and enjoy the music and the company of your boyfriends presence.

Daniel drives about 20 minutes until he finally announces, "We're here!"

You look at the building from the window and gasp, "Daniel! The Melting Pot?! This place is too expensive!"

"Shhh." He puts a finger over your lips and jumps out of the driver seat, running over to your side to open the door for you.

"I love you, let me do this." Daniel says as he takes your hand, helping you out of the car.

"I love you too, and okay." You smile.

He leads you into the dimly lit building and you're extremely happy you chose to dress up, since everyone in there was wearing some sort of fancy attire.

Once you're directed to your table, you're given menus.

"Order whatever you want, beautiful." Daniel says, smiling his large, bright smile.

"Okay." You smile back.

You open the menu and mentally sigh, since every entrée was over $50.

After looking over the menu for awhile, the waitress comes back, brings you water, and takes your order; Daniel orders a steak meal and you just order a chicken salad because it wasn't as expensive.

You and Daniel make conversation until your food comes about 20 minutes after ordering.

You both thank the woman and eat your food, sharing it with each other and laughing over something the other person had said.

"Y/n, you are so beautiful." Daniel says.

You blush again, "Thank you."

You finish up eating and set your plates to the side.

Daniel takes your hands in his and looks you in the eyes, "I have something I want to ask you."

"Okay." You say, curious.

Daniel stands up and gets down on one knee in front of your chair and the room goes completely silent, with all eyes on you both.

He then takes a little box out of his pants pocket, "Y/n. I love you, with all my heart, if not more. You've always been there for me, no matter what. You're supportive, caring, loving, and a great person in general,"

Your eyes start to water and you put your hands over your mouth,

He continues, "And I know we're too young for marriage, but I want to give you this; a promise ring. Promise me one day you'll marry me?"

He opens the box to reveal a beautiful diamond ring.

"Of course, Daniel." You say, earning cheers from everyone around.

Daniel stands up and wraps his arms around you, engulfing you into a huge hug.

"I love you too." You whisper into his chest,

"And I will absolutely marry you one day."


Ahhhh okay so I hardly know how fancy places work, the fanciest place I've been to is McDonald's😩.

Requested by  Shewasthesunset 💕💞

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