Smooth step ☆

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   (a/n: I just wanna say that I'm not doing this for attention; I'm doing it to help Kiki, so if u wanna hate me for being an "attention seeking leech" go ahead but I'm just helping a good friend :) )

Y/n POV:
 As I walk into the Starbucks with my headphones plugged in, I ordered my usual drink and sat down at my usual table.

I was listening to Air of the Night (Smooth Step..... Obviously). I grabbed my laptop and started playing with it, not realizing that my cord unplugged and everyone could hear my music

 As I was on wattpad, I failed to notice a group of boys walk into the Starbucks.

Jonah POV:
"I want a coffeee" I complained to Daniel.

"Ewwwwww. Yuckkk" Zach commented. I ignored Zach and kept whining to Daniel.

"Pleeeaaaaaaaasssseeeeeee" I whined.

"Fine." He said.

"Let's GOOOOOOOO GUYZ" I yelled to all the boys. I grabbed my coat and started jogging to the Starbucks not too far away.

 "Wait up Jonah!!" All the other boys yelled at me. I stood there with my hands in my pockets for a minute and noticed the boys in front of me panting heavily.

"Do you think they will have anything for George Washington??" Corbyn asked cheekily. Jack just started at Corbyn with an offended look.

 I linked my arms with Jacks and pulled him inside. As soon as I went inside, I heard a familiar song.

"Yooo that's our song!" I exclaimed to jack. I looked over to see that the music was coming from a girl looking intensely at her laptop.

"Wow..... She's beautiful" I said under my breath.

"Does Jonah have a crush" Jack said in a baby voice.

I rolled my eyes at him and went to order. After I ordered I paid for myself and got my drink. The song was still playing, and people seemed to enjoy it.

It was a while before the beat drop, so I decided to bring her drink to her. I was nervous to go up to a random stranger, but I think she's worth the risk.

I asked the barista for the drink that the girl ordered and started making my way towards her. I set down her drink. And she looked up at me shocked.

 The famous beat drop played and I shyly did the smooth step. She looked at me in awe and after the song ended she and everyone else applauded.

I awkwardly bowed and took a seat next to her. "You played my song!" I said, smiling goofily.

"That I did" the girl said bashfully.

"My name is-"

"Jonah. Yea I know" she said quickly.

"And what is the lovely ladies name?" I asked.

"Y/n" she said while looking down.

 "I like that name" I said, while lightly holding her chin up to make her look at me. She quirked an eyebrow at me.

Looking at her, the way she smiled at my touch, got lost in my bands music, her eyes showing her happiness.... She was just so, "beautiful" I mumbled. Her cheeks got red as she tried to hide her smile.

"I like it when you blush" I whispered to her softly. "I know we just met but do you think maybe we could sorta kinda go on a date... With me??" I asked nervously.

 She looked shocked and I was scared for what was about to happen next. She grabbed the beanie off of my head, adjusted it on her own, and kissed my cheek. "Pick me up at 8" she asked. I nodded dumbly and touched my cheek. Right where Y/n kissed it.

I snapped back into focus and notice she was gone. Right next to my drink, there was a napkin.

"I hope you can smooth step for me at our date, that was surprisingly impressive. Call me ;) (509) 922-5200 (a/n: feel free to prank call it... Comment what happens plz I love hearing the reactions..... PLZ also don't say who is is so other ppl have to find out!!)


Written by Unicornlandia56 thank you love💋

Requested by Imnotvania

Also, as you all know I gave myself a second degree burn on my hand. It's hard for me to type so I would appreciate it if you didn't hate on my friend. She is just helping me with requests. She's not doing it for attention👀 I'm still writing, she's just doing the requests. So y'all need to chill and stop getting triggered.

 So y'all need to chill and stop getting triggered

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P.s. hey guys this is grrrrr8. I'm shook. My babies are so talented.

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